Hi Alexander

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Alexander Bokovoy <aboko...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Mar 2015, Traiano Welcome wrote:
>> However, I'm still not able to authenticate via the ssh->sssd path (I
>> cn get kerberos tickets for ad users via cli though), so I think that
>> incorrect dc discovery is not really the issue here. Instead, it seem
>> the ldap query against the discovered AD domain controller is failing
>> with some kid of policy related error:
>> Here's a snippet what we're seeing in the IPA master sssd logs during
>> an a client connection attempt:
>> ---
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> (Tue Mar 10 09:48:05 2015) [sssd[be[idmdc2.com]]] [sasl_bind_send]
>> (0x0100): Executing sasl bind mech: gssapi, user:
>> host/lolospr-idm-mstr.idmdc2.com
>> (Tue Mar 10 09:48:06 2015) [sssd[be[idmdc2.com]]] [sasl_bind_send]
>> (0x0020): ldap_sasl_bind failed (-2)[Local error]
>> (Tue Mar 10 09:48:06 2015) [sssd[be[idmdc2.com]]] [sasl_bind_send]
>> (0x0080): Extended failure message: [SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI
>> Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more
>> information (KDC policy rejects request)]
> When AD says "KDC policy rejects request" it means that trust is not
> working well -- AD DC was unable to complete trust validation when it
> was established. See another emails around the trust last week or so,
> they have details on how to debug this.

This is probably the case, however, I'd like to drill down further to
see exactly what part of the trust is broken, because it seems the
trust was established without error (using "ipa trust-add"), and I
seem to be able to get trust information with " ipa trust-show":

Re-adding the trusts:

[root@loldc2-idm-mstr ~]#  ipa trust-add --type=ad lol.com --admin
admin --password
Active directory domain administrator's password:
Re-established trust to domain "lol.com"
  Realm name: lol.com
  Domain NetBIOS name: LOL
  Domain Security Identifier: S-1-5-21-4090660947-345563186-3527492641
  SID blacklist incoming: S-1-0, S-1-1, S-1-2, S-1-3, S-1-5-1, S-1-5-2,
S-1-5-3, S-1-5-4, S-1-5-5, S-1-5-6, S-1-5-7, S-1-5-8, S-1-5-9, S-1-5-10,
S-1-5-11, S-1-5-12, S-1-5-13, S-1-5-14, S-1-5-15,
                          S-1-5-16, S-1-5-17, S-1-5-18, S-1-5-19, S-1-5-20
  SID blacklist outgoing: S-1-0, S-1-1, S-1-2, S-1-3, S-1-5-1, S-1-5-2,
S-1-5-3, S-1-5-4, S-1-5-5, S-1-5-6, S-1-5-7, S-1-5-8, S-1-5-9, S-1-5-10,
S-1-5-11, S-1-5-12, S-1-5-13, S-1-5-14, S-1-5-15,
                          S-1-5-16, S-1-5-17, S-1-5-18, S-1-5-19, S-1-5-20
  Trust direction: Two-way trust
  Trust type: Active Directory domain
  Trust status: Established and verified
[root@loldc2-idm-mstr ~]#

Using trust show:

[root@loldc2-idm-mstr sssd]# ipa trust-show
Realm name: LOL.COM
  Realm name: lol.com
  Domain NetBIOS name: LOL
  Domain Security Identifier: S-1-5-21-4090660947-345563186-3527492641
  Trust direction: Two-way trust
  Trust type: Active Directory domain

I can see that not all is well with the trusts because when I test
with wbinfo, I get this:

[root@loldc2-idm-mstr ~]# wbinfo --verbose -n 'LOL\Domain Admins'
failed to call wbcLookupName: WBC_ERR_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND
Could not lookup name LOL\Domain Admins

Looking at the samba logs with debug turned up, I get something
potentially enlightening in the message "NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED" ...
However, the question is to pinpoint if this is due to an AD-side
policy issue, or due to some weirdness on the IPA end of things:


[2015/03/10 17:02:46.934072,  3, pid=6917, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0),
  lookupname LOL\Domain Admins
[2015/03/10 17:02:46.934190,  1, pid=6917, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)]
       wbint_LookupName: struct wbint_LookupName
          in: struct wbint_LookupName
              domain                   : *
                  domain                   : 'LOL'
              name                     : *
                  name                     : 'DOMAIN ADMINS'
              flags                    : 0x00000000 (0)
[2015/03/10 17:02:46.934532, 50, pid=6917, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)]
  samba_tevent: Schedule immediate event "tevent_req_trigger": 0x7facefb10430
[2015/03/10 17:02:46.934696, 50, pid=6917, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)]
  samba_tevent: Run immediate event "tevent_req_trigger": 0x7facefb10430
[2015/03/10 17:02:46.934812,  1, pid=6917, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0)]
       wbint_LookupName: struct wbint_LookupName
          out: struct wbint_LookupName
              type                     : *
                  type                     : SID_NAME_USE_NONE (0)
              sid                      : *
                  sid                      : S-0-0
              result                   : NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2015/03/10 17:02:46.935174,  5, pid=6917, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0),
  Could not convert sid S-0-0: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
[2015/03/10 17:02:46.935281, 10, pid=6917, effective(0, 0), real(0, 0),
class=winbind] ../source3/winbindd/winbindd.c:755(wb_request_done)


(I can also kinit directly from the cli on the master using an AD user
and get a ticker from the Active Directory kdc, which is confusing
because it implies trust relationship working !):


[root@loldc2-idm-mstr samba]# kinit trai...@lol.com
Password for trai...@lol.com:
[root@loldc2-idm-mstr samba]#
[root@loldc2-idm-mstr samba]# klist
Ticket cache: KEYRING:persistent:0:krb_ccache_Hrq3EtZ
Default principal: trai...@lol.com

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
03/10/2015 17:21:49  03/11/2015 03:21:49  krbtgt/lol....@lol.com
        renew until 03/11/2015 17:21:45
[root@loldc2-idm-mstr samba]#


So the question is: Are there further diagnostics I can do to drill
down further into how/where trust is broken, and what the
NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED from the dc is being triggered in response to?

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