On 04/08/2015 11:52 AM, Alexander Frolushkin wrote:
> Hello!
> We used have a geo-replicated IPA with RHEL 7.0, and on one site ipa servers 
> was upgraded by mistake to RHEL 7.1 (ipa-server-4.1.0-18.el7_1.3.x86_64).
> Now it is broken globally, in logs I see these:
> [08/Apr/2015:13:06:47 +0600] NSACLPlugin - ACL PARSE ERR(rv=-5): 
> (targetattr="ipaProtectedOperation;write_keys
> [08/Apr/2015:13:06:47 +0600] NSACLPlugin - __aclp__init_targetattr: 
> targetattr "ipaProtectedOperation;write_keys" does not exist in schema. 
> Please add attributeTypes "ipaProtectedOperation;write_keys" to schema if 
> necessary.
> What can I do to fix this catastrophe, or it is fatal?
> As it seems from the client servers, hbac is not working at all, maybe all 
> other things as well :(
> With best regards,
> Alexander Frolushkin

AFAIK, this particular error message should not be fatal to the function and
new ACI should just be ignored. Maybe the new schema did not replicate
properly. Do you see other DS errors? (CCing DS guys)

Non-working HBAC is also strange, SSSD developers will want logs to analyze,
see https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/wiki/Troubleshooting

In any case, upgrade from 3.3 to 4.1 should just work, you just need to have a
recent enough RHEL-6 servers - at least RHEL-6.6+z-streams.

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