John Williams wrote:
> I'm looking at the following link for recovering expired certificates on
> FreeeIPA 3.0.0:
> Problem is when Iook inside my /etc/pki-ca/CS.cfg file for a
> subsystemCert I do not find one.  I see the other three:
> auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca =>  updated
> ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca => updated
> Server-Cert cert-pki-ca  => no cert here
> subsystemCert cert-pki-ca => updated 
> Has anyone ever run across this?  Any suggestions or hints would be
> appreciated.  If I role the clock back on my system I can login to IPA,
> but if the time is updated, I cannot login.
> Please help. 

Why do you need this value? For the record it is ca.sslserver.cert.


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