-----Original Message-----
From: thierry bordaz [mailto:tbor...@redhat.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 6:36 PM
To: Alexander Frolushkin (SIB)
Cc: 'Ludwig Krispenz'; Martin Kosek; freeipa-users@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] Accident upgrade 3.3 to 4.1

On 04/08/2015 02:19 PM, Alexander Frolushkin wrote:
>>>> On one of accidently upgraded server I have following error in dirsrv logs:
>>>> [08/Apr/2015:13:24:12 +0300] connection - conn=1095 fd=131 Incoming BER 
>>>> Element was too long, max allowable is 209715200 bytes. Change the 
>>>> nsslapd-maxbersize attribute in cn=config to increase.
>>>> [08/Apr/2015:13:24:12 +0300] connection - conn=1094 fd=124 Incoming BER 
>>>> Element was too long, max allowable is 209715200 bytes. Change the 
>>>> nsslapd-maxbersize attribute in cn=config to increase.
>>>> [08/Apr/2015:13:24:12 +0300] connection - conn=1096 fd=124 Incoming BER 
>>>> Element was too long, max allowable is 209715200 bytes. Change the 
>>>> nsslapd-maxbersize attribute in cn=config to increase.
>>>> [08/Apr/2015:13:24:12 +0300] connection - conn=1097 fd=131 Incoming BER 
>>>> Element was too long, max allowable is 209715200 bytes. Change the 
>>>> nsslapd-maxbersize attribute in cn=config to increase.
>>> This message is logged if the received message was too large. But here max 
>>> size was 200Mb.
>>> I can not imagine a such large message.
>>> Being log at the same second, it could be transient error. Have you seen 
>>> others messages like these ?
>> Yes, it still here.
>> [08/Apr/2015:14:55:01 +0300] connection - conn=1125 fd=130 Incoming BER 
>> Element was too long, max allowable is 209715200 bytes. Change the 
>> nsslapd-maxbersize attribute in cn=config to increase.
>> [08/Apr/2015:14:55:01 +0300] connection - conn=1124 fd=126 Incoming BER 
>> Element was too long, max allowable is 209715200 bytes. Change the 
>> nsslapd-maxbersize attribute in cn=config to increase.
>> [08/Apr/2015:14:55:01 +0300] connection - conn=1126 fd=126 Incoming BER 
>> Element was too long, max allowable is 209715200 bytes. Change the 
>> nsslapd-maxbersize attribute in cn=config to increase.

>Those logs mean the connection (e.g. conn=1125) got closed.
>Would you grep conn=1125 in access log ?

[08/Apr/2015:14:55:00 +0300] conn=1125 fd=130 slot=130 connection from to
[08/Apr/2015:14:55:00 +0300] conn=1125 op=0 SRCH base="" scope=0 
filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs="subschemaSubentry dsservicename namingContexts 
defaultnamingcontext schemanamingcontext configuratio
nnamingcontext rootdomainnamingcontext supportedControl supportedLDAPVersion 
supportedldappolicies supportedSASLMechanisms dnshostname ldapservicename 
servername supportedcapabilities"
[08/Apr/2015:14:55:00 +0300] conn=1125 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 

>> [08/Apr/2015:14:55:26 +0300] attrlist_replace - attr_replace 
>> (nsslapd-referral, ldap://cnt-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
>> [08/Apr/2015:14:55:26 +0300] attrlist_replace - attr_replace 
>> (nsslapd-referral, ldap://cnt-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
>> [08/Apr/2015:14:55:26 +0300] attrlist_replace - attr_replace 
>> (nsslapd-referral, ldap://cnt-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
>>>> [08/Apr/2015:13:25:11 +0300] attrlist_replace - attr_replace 
>>>> (nsslapd-referral, ldap://sib-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
>>>> [08/Apr/2015:13:25:11 +0300] attrlist_replace - attr_replace 
>>>> (nsslapd-referral, ldap://sib-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
>>>> [08/Apr/2015:13:25:11 +0300] attrlist_replace - attr_replace 
>>>> (nsslapd-referral, ldap://sib-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
>>>> [08/Apr/2015:13:25:15 +0300] attrlist_replace - attr_replace 
>>>> (nsslapd-referral, ldap://vlg-rhidm02.unix.ad.com:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
>>>> [08/Apr/2015:13:25:15 +0300] attrlist_replace - attr_replace 
>>>> (nsslapd-referral, ldap://vlg-rhidm02.unix.ad.com:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
>>> Here it is likely trigger by RUV containing duplicated values (multiple 
>>> replica install ?). You may have to use cleanruv after the upgrade.
>>> ipa-replica-manage list-ruv  and ipa-replica-manager clean-ruv
>> Do You mean we need to upgrade all 3.3.3 IPA servers to 4.1 first? Or this 
>> can be cleaned right now on remaining servers?
>> BTW:
>> # ipa-replica-manage list-ruv
>> Directory Manager password:
>> sib-rhidm03.unix.ad.com:389: 5
>> dv-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389: 17
>> sib-rhidm02.unix.ad.com:389: 3
>> sib-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389: 4
>> url-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389: 6
>> url-rhidm02.unix.ad.com:389: 7
>> ....
>> nw-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389: 19

>This message is harmless. It means that some values of nsds50ruv in the RUV 
>have identical referral.
>This should not occur, but replication is smart enough to just log this 
>warning and continue working.

>I would not recommend cleanup right now. Just clarification of the status.
>Would you send all the ruv values returned by 'list-ruv' (here there is no 

Here the full command output from the IPA 4.1 server:

# ipa-replica-manage list-ruv
Directory Manager password:

nw-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389: 19
dv-rhidm02.unix.ad.com:389: 18
vlg-rhidm03.unix.ad.com:389: 12
sib-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389: 4
dv-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389: 17
url-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389: 6
url-rhidm02.unix.ad.com:389: 7
cnt-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389: 14
sib-rhidm03.unix.ad.com:389: 5
vlg-rhidm02.unix.ad.com:389: 13
msk-rhidm-03.unix.ad.com:389: 10
msk-rhidm-01.unix.ad.com:389: 9
vlg-rhidm01.unix.ad.com:389: 8
cnt-rhidm02.unix.ad.com:389: 15
sib-rhidm02.unix.ad.com:389: 3
msk-rhidm-02.unix.ad.com:389: 11

I'm planning to upgrade all the remaining IPA 3.3.3 to IPA 4.1. Am I 
undersanding correctly, that upper messages does not mean something is terribly 
wrong in IPA for now?


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