> > It appears that f82 is the user object and f87 is the group object.  So you 
> > are
> right, I don't think f82 is what we were looking for, it just happened to have
> the username in it when I grepped without filtering the uniqueid.  I'm not
> sure why it was having problems with the user group object, but I don't have
> individual group objects showing up for any local accounts I've created.
> You are right. I think the private group of a user is/should be deleted at the
> same time when you delete a user.
> >

Is it normal that private groups do not show up in the user group listing or 
with ipa group-find commands?  I thought I remembered seeing them on a freeipa 
3 installation but I've checked a couple 4 installs and they don't show up.

I just had a random issue a little bit ago with another account when I checked 
the user groups in the web interface it popped with an unknown error dialog.  I 
have not been able to reproduce it again and don't see anything in the error 
logs or access log which would indicate any problems.

> > All that being said, I put 389-ds-base- on the box
> yesterday and the error has not shown since.  So I'm not sure if it was
> because of the minor upgrade or cycling the daemon.
> The logs gave a lot of information but without a test case it could be 
> difficult
> to identify the RC.
> Now as I mentioned I hit (with a non systematic test case) an other bug when
> deleting a user. It was impossible to remove the entry/group. In this bug I
> tested on standalone instance but on replicated topology I wonder if it could
> have the same symptom.

I've not been able to reproduce the issue in my sandbox environment so I'm not 
sure.  It is also replicated.


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