On 14/05/15 01:50, Will Sheldon wrote:

Hello everyone :)

We are seeing some strange behavior (created groups don't exist) and I really hope someone can lend some advice...

We installed v 3.0 some time ago, and tried an upgrade to 3.3 which was aborted before completion, however I believe the schema was updated.

Recently we attempted to upgrade to 4.1, but encountered some issues with the upgrade; replication failed :

from the install log (before schema update, so server was running 3.3 schema):

Done configuring ipa-otpd.
Applying LDAP updates
ipa.ipaserver.install.ldapupdate.LDAPUpdate: ERROR Add failure attribute "cn" not allowed

After that we tried updating the schema, and we now get this error (we have log file captures for this):

[24/35]: setting up initial replication
Starting replication, please wait until this has completed.
Update in progress, 131 seconds elapsed
Update in progress yet not in progress

[vanipa.foo.com <http://vanipa.foo.com>] reports: Update failed! Status: [10 Total update abortedLDAP error: Referral]

  [error] RuntimeError: Failed to start replication

Your system may be partly configured.
Run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install --uninstall to clean up.

which seems to be referring to this bit of the log:
2015-04-21T19:18:48Z DEBUG Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipaserver/install/service.py", line 382, in start_creation
    run_step(full_msg, method)

Since then we have a somewhat strange issue where new groups that are added using the web interface and ipa CLI command interface are created in the compat tree, but not in the cn=hostgroups,cn=accounts tree, even though ADD operations appear to complete successfully (slapd log output below)

[13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=7120402 op=4 ADD dn="cn=p-test-100,cn=hostgroups,cn=accounts,dc=foo,dc=com"

[13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660217 SRCH base="idnsName=net,idnsname=bar.net <http://bar.net>,cn=dns,dc=foo,dc=com" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=idnsRecord)" attrs=ALL [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660217 RESULT err=32 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0 [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660218 SRCH base="idnsName=bar.net <http://bar.net>,idnsname=bar.net <http://bar.net>,cn=dns,dc=foo,dc=com" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=idnsRecord)" attrs=ALL [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660218 RESULT err=32 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0 [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660219 SRCH base="idnsName=vanzbx.bar.net <http://vanzbx.bar.net>,idnsname=bar.net <http://bar.net>,cn=dns,dc=foo,dc=com" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=idnsRecord)" attrs=ALL [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660219 RESULT err=32 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0 [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660220 SRCH base="idnsName=net,idnsname=bar.net <http://bar.net>,cn=dns,dc=foo,dc=com" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=idnsRecord)" attrs=ALL [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660220 RESULT err=32 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0 [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660221 SRCH base="idnsName=bar.net <http://bar.net>,idnsname=bar.net <http://bar.net>,cn=dns,dc=foo,dc=com" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=idnsRecord)" attrs=ALL [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660221 RESULT err=32 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0 [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660222 SRCH base="idnsName=vanzbx.bar.net <http://vanzbx.bar.net>,idnsname=bar.net <http://bar.net>,cn=dns,dc=foo,dc=com" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=idnsRecord)" attrs=ALL [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=2616653 op=3660222 RESULT err=32 tag=101 nentries=0 etime=0 [13/May/2015:23:13:58 +0000] conn=7120402 op=4 RESULT err=0 tag=105 nentries=0 etime=0 csn=5553e3f8000100040000

Which is consistent with the slapd log during the upgrade:

[21/Apr/2015:19:18:43 +0000] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target cn=hr,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=foo,dc=com does not exist


Kind regards,

Will Sheldon


can you find in ipaserver-install.log more details about this error?
ipa.ipaserver.install.ldapupdate.LDAPUpdate: ERROR Add failure attribute "cn" not allowed


Martin Basti

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