On 5/18/15 6:23 PM, Janelle wrote:
Once again, replication/sync has been lost. I really wish the product was more stable, it is so much potential and yet.

Servers running for 6 days no issues. No new accounts or changes (maybe a few users changing passwords) and again, 5 out of 16 servers are no longer in sync.

I can test it easily by adding an account and then waiting a few minutes, then run "ipa user-show --all username" on all the servers, and only a few of them have the account. I have now waited 15 minutes, still no luck.

Oh well.. I guess I will go look at alternatives. I had such high hopes for this tool. Thanks so much everyone for all your help in trying to get things stable, but for whatever reason, there is a random loss of sync among the servers and obviously this is not acceptable.

A new error:

[ipa03.example.com] reports: Update failed! Status: [49 - LDAP error: Invalid credentials]

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