
I've tried to setup my IPA server to work on multiple domain env, for
the example, I have 20 instance/servers using mydomain.co.id then I have
another 10 instance/servers using mydomain.com, I want to manage both of
them on same IPA server.

On instance with mydomain.com, I've setup and point my DNS to the IPA
Server, the DNS Discovery was failed, but if I entered IPA server
address manually, the setup was success.

[root@joyoboyo ~]# getent passwd dewangga
dewangga:*:940000001:940000001:Dewangga Alam:/home/dewangga:/bin/bash
[root@joyoboyo ~]# uname -a
Linux joyoboyo.mydomain.com 2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 15
04:27:16 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Is it normal? Or is there another configuration on krb5.conf? I found
something interesting on [domain_realm] section, but before I changes
them, better I ask to the mailing list.

Thanks for any help and comments, this is my first time to configure IPA
Server :D

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