JFTR, this is the respective section in the guide:


It should have those ports covered as well.

On 06/05/2015 11:49 PM, Janelle wrote:
> By default, fedora has all the ports blocked via "firewalld"
> You need to either enable the ports, or disable the firewall.
> PORTS='80 443 389 636 88 464'
> for PORT in $PORTS; do         firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public
> --add-port=$PORT/tcp; done
> PORTS='88 464 123'
> for PORT in $PORTS; do         firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public
> --add-port=$PORT/udp; done
> firewall-cmd --reload
> ~J
> On 6/5/15 12:50 PM, James Benson wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I recently install Fedora Server 22 on a virtualbox with the ethernet bridged
>> (can successfully ping it, ssh, etc) and I can do a kinit admin and ipa
>> user-add as the instructions detail in the next steps, however, I cannot
>> access the webui.  Has anyone else ran into this issue? I've tried to check
>> the services, however, they don't seem to want to start (no errors, just
>> don't see them in the service status menu)  Any help would be great as I
>> would greatly like to use the website over commands if possible.
>> Thank you,
>> James

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