Hello Steven!

I would like to help you but unfortunately I have no chance to guess what went wrong.

To help us help you please report any issue in a way described on FreeIPA Troubleshooting page (http://www.freeipa.org/page/Troubleshooting).

Most importantly we need the following:

1. Version of FreeIPA you are using.

2. Precise description of the problem.
Stating that "password does not work" is not specific enough. Does "kinit admin" fails? With what error message? What is in kdc log? Or does SSH login fails? Does the login on client using the restored server work?

3. Steps that you did before the problem occurred.
How was the mentioned backup created? Was the FreeIPA server reinstalled since the backup was taken? Was any password changed after the backup? Was any error/warning reported during the restore?

4. Logs.
Please include at least iparestore.log and DS and Kerberos logs.

Maybe some of the information I am missing here can be found in the thread you are responding to. But since you have changed the subject I assume you are solving another issue. In that case it makes sense to start completely new thread and provide all relevant information. Searching for them in older thread is not only time consuming but also may confuse us as they could be no longer valid and/or relevant.

Do not take me wrong I am just trying to show you how to ask with bigger change of solving the issue for you in less time.

Best regards,

On 10/09/15 01:41, Steven Jones wrote:
So to restore IPA I tried,

ipa-restore --data ipa-full-2015-09-10-10-28-11

and now I cannot login....ooooopsie.

The admin user password doesnt work and neither do my own accounts.

NB I assume the  flag --data restores the user data/HBAC rules etc?



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