On 30.11.2015 17:45, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Christian Heimes wrote:
On 2015-11-30 16:27, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Christian Heimes wrote:
On 2015-11-30 12:51, Martin Basti wrote:

On 28.11.2015 00:14, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Martin Štefany wrote:

I remember experiencing this, but I'm not sure of solution. I think it's
related to apache (httpd) and his group.

My notes for IPA installation on CentOS 7.x say:

# groupadd -g 48 apache
# yum -y install ipa-server bind bind-dyndb-ldap
# usermod -g apache apache
# ipa-server-install...

CentOS is somehow not creating group apache for apache user and then
assuming root which is then causing problems with apache later. Pre-
creating such group before installing httpd and then usermod-ing user
apache might solve it.

Did you get any warnings while running:
# yum install -y ipa-server bind bind-dyndb-ldap ?

If possible, try installation from scratch with my notes on fresh
system. If not:

# systemctl stop apache   # if it runs
# groupadd -g 48 apache   # I use 48 as apache's UID tends to be also
48, or use 'groupadd -r apache' instead
# usermod -g apache apache
# ipa-server-install...

Sounds unlikely to me. If indeed it did happen you'd need to file a bug
against Apache to create its own uid/gid, which I'm pretty certain it
already does.

In any case, dogtag doesn't run in Apache so it would be unlikely to
blow up in the CA installer.

cating the contents of a directory into one log is not at all helpful,
especially given that you missed all the important bits in the
subdirectories beneath it. This is just a mishmash of stuff. We need to
see /var/log/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/debug.

/var/log/ipaserver-install.log might also be useful to see though it
probably just records in a more verbose way the fact that pkispawn



I see in log this error message:

2015-11-26 08:41:53 pkidestroy  : ERROR    .......
subprocess.CalledProcessError:  Command '['/usr/bin/sslget', '-n',
'subsystemCert cert-pki-ca', '-p', '272326334956', '-d',
'/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias', '-e',
'-v', '-r', '/ca/agent/ca/updateDomainXML', 'ipa.home:443']' returned
non-zero exit status 6!

It means that the CA has no been sucessfully uninstalled, and it can
cause issues during installation
PKI bug:

Christian may have workaround (CCed)
Hi Martin and Martin,

last week I have identified an incompatibility between Dogtag's sslget
command and Apache HTTP. sslget sends a server name indication during
the TLS/SSL handshake but doesn't send a HTTP Host header. Newer
versions of Apache HTTP don't accept requests with SNI and without HTTP
Host. You should see a HTTP/400 Bad Request in /var/log/httpd/error_log.

The simplest workaround is to bypass Apache and talk to Dogtag directly.
In order to do bypass the Apache proxy you have to log onto the server.
You also have to become root so you can access the NSS database that
contains the private key for authentication. Simply copy and paste the
sslget command from the log (everything between "Command '[" and "]'
returend non-zero exit status 6!"), remove the comma, replace
'ipa.home:443' with 'ipa.home:8443' and run the command. The command
should look like:

'/usr/bin/sslget' '-n' 'subsystemCert cert-pki-ca' ...
'/ca/agent/ca/updateDomainXML' 'ipa.home:8443'
mod_nss added support for SNI in Fedora 23. It should behave the same
way as mod_ssl, denying a request that contains an SNI hostname but no
Host header.

I assume you've filed a bug against dogtag to send a Host header in the

A better workaround would be to add NSSSNI off to
/etc/httpd/conf.d/nss.conf within the default VH. Retrying the install
should work then, or at least get past this sslget error.
That might explain why the issue hasn't popped up earlier. sslget sets
SNI header without HTTP Host header for a while. Since FreeIPA uses
mod_nss instead of mod_ssl and mod_nss hasn't processed the SNI header
before, sslget didn't fail in the past.

Yes, I have fixed sslget to send a HTTP Host header with hostname and port.

No, that won't work. You'd have to change the configuration before you
run uninstall. Install still won't work because uninstall was
incomplete. It's still necessary to remove the Service Domain for the CA
from LDAP. The sslget command call removes it. It's also possible to
remove it with ldapremove over ldapi. The entry is in the
cn=CAList,ou=Security Domain,o=ipaca subtree.
I'm not sure I follow. You mean my proposed workaround won't work? I
think it should because the IPA installer directly tweaks only a few
things in nss.conf so if one manually sets NSSSNI then it should be
preserved between install/uninstall.

I was under the impression this is a fresh install so there is no
existing data to deal with.


If I did read logs right, there was ipa-server-installed, CA uninstallation failed and now IPA server install is failing because new CA cannot be installed due the old instance of CA.


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