On 02/26/2016 10:31 AM, Teik Hooi Beh wrote:
> And yes, i also need to include -s ipaserver in the get-ipakeytab command,
> otherwise it kept giving wrong usage error....

Just for the record, this should no longer be needed from FreeIPA 4.3.0:

> On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 10:29 PM, Teik Hooi Beh <th...@thbeh.com> wrote:
>> Thanks. It's working now using ipa-getkeytab.
>> Correct me if I am wrong (as I am new to freeipa), using ktutil I could
>> add multiple user in a keytab file (correct???) but in this case using
>> ipa-getkeytab can I do the same?
>> On Fri, Feb 26, 2016 at 9:15 PM, David Kupka <dku...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On 26/02/16 08:56, David Kupka wrote:
>>>> On 26/02/16 02:22, Teik Hooi Beh wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have manged to deployed 1 ipa master and 1 ipa client with success on
>>>>> centos 7.2 with freeipa v4.2. I also managed to create user and set
>>>>> sshd-rules to for ttester user and also successfully get krb ticket
>>>>> using *kinit
>>>>> ttes...@example.my*. I am trying to deploy password-less SSH login with
>>>>> kerberos using the following guide  (
>>>>> https://uz.sns.it/~enrico/wordpress/2014/03/password-less-ssh-login-with-kerberos/
>>>>> )
>>>>> -
>>>>> snippet -
>>>>> *$ ktutil ktutil: add_entry -password -p ttes...@example.my -k 1 -e
>>>>> aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 ktutil: write_kt keytab*
>>>>> When I tried *kinit -kt keytab ttes...@example.my*, I get *"**kinit:
>>>>> Password incorrect while getting initial credentials"*
>>>>> Doing a trace using KRB5_TRACE on both calls
>>>>> *1. KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stderr kinit ttes...@example.my*
>>>>> 27242] 1456447025.219676: Getting initial credentials for
>>>>> ttes...@example.my
>>>>> [27242] 1456447025.222070: Sending request (164 bytes) to EXAMPLE.MY
>>>>> [27242] 1456447025.222223: Resolving hostname node1.example.my
>>>>> [27242] 1456447035.238004: Initiating TCP connection to stream
>>>>> [27242] 1456447035.238675: Sending TCP request to stream
>>>>> [27242] 1456447035.241248: Received answer (337 bytes) from stream
>>>>> [27242] 1456447035.241257: Terminating TCP connection to stream
>>>>> [27242] 1456447035.241377: Response was from master KDC
>>>>> [27242] 1456447035.241437: Received error from KDC:
>>>>> -1765328359/Additional
>>>>> pre-authentication required
>>>>> [27242] 1456447035.241484: Processing preauth types: 136, 19, 2, 133
>>>>> [27242] 1456447035.241499: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt
>>>>> "s`GD^,#=cA:Vr9hD", params ""
>>>>> [27242] 1456447035.241504: Received cookie: MIT
>>>>> Password for ttes...@example.my:
>>>>> [27242] 1456447062.215750: AS key obtained for encrypted timestamp:
>>>>> aes256-cts/73C6
>>>>> [27242] 1456447062.215815: Encrypted timestamp (for 1456447062.215315):
>>>>> plain 301AA011180F32303136303232363030333734325AA1050203034913,
>>>>> encrypted
>>>>> F9A2E97E916FC14D141690E151A25DCC00168361179C7F0ACDA94C7F58F3D50429780A5608A6B8623E355F2A5BD676F6FA5272D38FD05C8B
>>>>> [27242] 1456447062.215942: Preauth module encrypted_timestamp (2) (real)
>>>>> returned: 0/Success
>>>>> [27242] 1456447062.215948: Produced preauth for next request: 133, 2
>>>>> [27242] 1456447062.215965: Sending request (257 bytes) to EXAMPLE.MY
>>>>> [27242] 1456447062.216010: Resolving hostname node1.example.my
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.229254: Initiating TCP connection to stream
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.229655: Sending TCP request to stream
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.236955: Received answer (722 bytes) from stream
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.236974: Terminating TCP connection to stream
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237080: Response was from master KDC
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237117: Processing preauth types: 19
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237125: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt
>>>>> "s`GD^,#=cA:Vr9hD", params ""
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237131: Produced preauth for next request: (empty)
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237140: AS key determined by preauth: aes256-cts/73C6
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237199: Decrypted AS reply; session key is:
>>>>> aes256-cts/2A71
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237216: FAST negotiation: available
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237236: Initializing KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
>>>>> with
>>>>> default princ ttes...@example.my
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237275: Storing ttes...@example.my ->
>>>>> krbtgt/example...@example.my in KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237330: Storing config in
>>>>> KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
>>>>> for krbtgt/example...@example.my: fast_avail: yes
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237345: Storing ttes...@example.my ->
>>>>> krb5_ccache_conf_data/fast_avail/krbtgt\/EXAMPLE.MY\@EXAMPLE.MY@X-CACHECONF
>>>>> :
>>>>> in KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237371: Storing config in
>>>>> KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
>>>>> for krbtgt/example...@example.my: pa_type: 2
>>>>> [27242] 1456447072.237380: Storing ttes...@example.my ->
>>>>> krb5_ccache_conf_data/pa_type/krbtgt\/EXAMPLE.MY\@EXAMPLE.MY@X-CACHECONF
>>>>> :
>>>>> in KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
>>>>> *2. KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stderr kinit -kt keytab ttes...@example.my*
>>>>> [27248] 1456447236.144685: Getting initial credentials for
>>>>> ttes...@example.my
>>>>> [27248] 1456447236.147107: Looked up etypes in keytab: aes256-cts
>>>>> [27248] 1456447236.147255: Sending request (164 bytes) to EXAMPLE.MY
>>>>> [27248] 1456447236.147381: Resolving hostname node1.example.my
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.161528: Initiating TCP connection to stream
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.161970: Sending TCP request to stream
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.164772: Received answer (337 bytes) from stream
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.164791: Terminating TCP connection to stream
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.164904: Response was from master KDC
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.164943: Received error from KDC:
>>>>> -1765328359/Additional
>>>>> pre-authentication required
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.164987: Processing preauth types: 136, 19, 2, 133
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.164997: Selected etype info: etype aes256-cts, salt
>>>>> "s`GD^,#=cA:Vr9hD", params ""
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.165001: Received cookie: MIT
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.165142: Retrieving ttes...@example.my from
>>>>> FILE:keytab
>>>>> (vno 0, enctype aes256-cts) with result: 0/Success
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.165166: AS key obtained for encrypted timestamp:
>>>>> aes256-cts/0A17
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.165210: Encrypted timestamp (for 1456447246.164647):
>>>>> plain 301AA011180F32303136303232363030343034365AA1050203028327,
>>>>> encrypted
>>>>> C092E6C29FC1CD794625CF12162D18767A68D1728E6C2ADC1F50492D6605E039B664213C29767715E04B3CA8D97EBD691BBF40B76370C9FA
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.165224: Preauth module encrypted_timestamp (2) (real)
>>>>> returned: 0/Success
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.165228: Produced preauth for next request: 133, 2
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.165239: Sending request (257 bytes) to EXAMPLE.MY
>>>>> [27248] 1456447246.165253: Resolving hostname node1.example.my
>>>>> [27248] 1456447256.178637: Initiating TCP connection to stream
>>>>> [27248] 1456447256.179456: Sending TCP request to stream
>>>>> [27248] 1456447256.184929: Received answer (167 bytes) from stream
>>>>> [27248] 1456447256.184941: Terminating TCP connection to stream
>>>>> [27248] 1456447256.185043: Response was from master KDC
>>>>> [27248] 1456447256.185065: Received error from KDC: -1765328353/Decrypt
>>>>> integrity check failed
>>>>> kinit: Password incorrect while getting initial credentials
>>>>> From the 2 trace I notice the return bytes on return from calling using
>>>>> keytab is only 167 bytes compare to 722 bytes. Does anybody know the
>>>>> reasons or could point me to where I could debug further?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>> Hello!
>>>> I don't know why it does not work with ktutil but I've find other way
>>>> how to get keytab for a user:
>>>> $ kinit ttester
>>>> $ ipa-getkeytab -p ttes...@example.test -k ttester.keytab -e
>>>> aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96
>>>> $ kdestroy ttester
>>>> $ kinit ttes...@example.test -kt ttester.keytab
>>>> HTH,
>>> Oh, I forget to mention that this also sets random krbPrincipalKey for
>>> the user so you can kinit only with the keytab. ipa-getkeytab has also
>>> option -r (--retrive) that should not change krbPrincipalKey but for some
>>> reason user is not allowed to retrieve it.
>>> You can of course add ACI to allow that but I would not do it because
>>> there's probably good reason why it's forbidden by default.
>>> --
>>> David Kupka

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