Could you please verify, if we have set correct trust attributes on the

*root@caer ~]# certutil -d /var/lib/pki-ca/alias/ -L*

Certificate Nickname                                         Trust


subsystemCert cert-pki-ca                                   u,u,Pu
ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca                                 u,u,u
caSigningCert cert-pki-ca                                     CTu,Cu,Cu
subsystemCert cert-pki-ca                                   u,u,Pu
Server-Cert cert-pki-ca                                         u,u,u
auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca                                  u,u,Pu

*[root@caer ~]# certutil -d /etc/httpd/alias/ -L*

Certificate Nickname                                         Trust


ipaCert                                                      u,u,u
Server-Cert                                                u,u,u
TELOIP.NET IPA CA                                  CT,C,C
ipaCert                                                      u,u,u
Signing-Cert                                               u,u,u
Server-Cert                                                u,u,u

*[root@caer ~]# certutil -d /etc/dirsrv/slapd-TELOIP-NET/ -L*

Certificate Nickname                                         Trust


Server-Cert                                                  u,u,u
TELOIP.NET IPA CA                                    CT,,C
Server-Cert                                                  u,u,u
[root@caer ~]#

*Please note, there are duplicate certificates in CA, HTTP and LDAP
directory, subsystemCert cert-pki-ca, ipaCert  and Server-Cert. I was
wondering if we need to remove these duplicate certificates? *

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 9:36 AM, Linov Suresh <>

> I'm facing another issue now, my kerberos tickets are not renewing,
> *[root@caer ~]# ipa cert-show 1*
> ipa: ERROR: Ticket expired
> *[root@caer ~]# klist*
> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
> Default principal:
> Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
> 07/20/16 14:42:26  07/21/16 14:42:22  krbtgt/
> 07/20/16 14:42:36  07/21/16 14:42:22  HTTP/
> 07/21/16 11:40:15  07/21/16 14:42:22  ldap/
> I need to manually renew the tickets every day,
> *[root@caer ~]# kinit admin*
> Password for
> Warning: Your password will expire in 6 days on Thu Jul 28 15:20:15 2016
> *[root@caer ~]# klist *
> Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
> Default principal:
> Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
> 07/22/16 09:34:52  07/23/16 09:34:49  krbtgt/
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 12:23 PM, Rob Crittenden <>
> wrote:
>> Linov Suresh wrote:
>>> The httpd_error log doesn't contain the part where `ipa cert-show 1` was
>>> run. If it is from the same time.
>>> *I am not sure about that, please see httpd_error when `ipa cert-show 1`
>>> was run*
>> The IPA API log isn't going to show much in this case.
>> Requests to the CA are proxied through IPA. The CA WAR is not running on
>> tomcat so when Apache tries to proxy the request tomcat returns a 404, Not
>> Found.
>> You need to start with the dogtag debug and selftest logs to see what is
>> going on. The logs are pretty verbose and can be challenging to read.
>> rob
>>> [root@caer ~]# *tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log*
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: WSGI
>>> wsgi_dispatch.__call__:
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: WSGI
>>> xmlserver_session.__call__:
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: found session cookie_id =
>>> bc2c7ed0eccd840dc266efaf9ece913c
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: found session data in
>>> cache with id=bc2c7ed0eccd840dc266efaf9ece913c
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG:
>>> xmlserver_session.__call__: session_id=bc2c7ed0eccd840dc266efaf9ece913c
>>> start_timestamp=2016-07-21T11:58:54 access_timestamp=2016-07-21T12:01:21
>>> expiration_timestamp=2016-07-21T12:18:54
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: storing ccache data into
>>> file "/var/run/ipa_memcached/krbcc_13554"
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: get_credential_times:
>>> principal=HTTP/
>>> <>, authtime=07/21/16 10:31:46,
>>> starttime=07/21/16 10:43:26, endtime=07/22/16 10:31:44,
>>> renew_till=12/31/69 19:00:00
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: get_credential_times:
>>> principal=HTTP/
>>> <>, authtime=07/21/16 10:31:46,
>>> starttime=07/21/16 10:43:26, endtime=07/22/16 10:31:44,
>>> renew_till=12/31/69 19:00:00
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: KRB5_CCache
>>> FILE:/var/run/ipa_memcached/krbcc_13554 endtime=1469197904 (07/22/16
>>> 10:31:44)
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG:
>>> set_session_expiration_time: duration_type=inactivity_timeout
>>> duration=1200 max_age=1469197604 expiration=1469118081.77
>>> (2016-07-21T12:21:21)
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: WSGI xmlserver.__call__:
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: Created connection
>>> context.ldap2
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: WSGI
>>> WSGIExecutioner.__call__:
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: raw: cert_show(u'1')
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: cert_show(u'1')
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: IPA: virtual verify
>>> retrieve certificate
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG:
>>> ipaserver.plugins.dogtag.ra.get_certificate()
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: https_request
>>> ''
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: https_request post
>>> 'xml=true&serialNumber=1'
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: NSSConnection init
>>> <>
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: Connecting:
>>> <>
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG:
>>> auth_certificate_callback: check_sig=True is_server=False
>>> *.*
>>> *.*
>>> *.*
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: approved_usage =
>>> SSLServer intended_usage = SSLServer
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: cert valid True for
>>> " <>,O=TELOIP.NET
>>> <http://TELOIP.NET>"
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: handshake complete, peer
>>> = <>
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG:
>>> auth_certificate_callback: check_sig=True is_server=False
>>> *.*
>>> *.*
>>> *.*
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: approved_usage =
>>> SSLServer intended_usage = SSLServer
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: cert valid True for
>>> " <>,O=TELOIP.NET
>>> <http://TELOIP.NET>"
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: handshake complete, peer
>>> = <>
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: ERROR:
>>> ipaserver.plugins.dogtag.ra.get_certificate(): Unable to communicate
>>> with CMS (Not Found)
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: INFO:
>>> <>: cert_show(u'1'): CertificateOperationError
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: response:
>>> CertificateOperationError: Certificate operation cannot be completed:
>>> Unable to communicate with CMS (Not Found)
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: Destroyed connection
>>> context.ldap2
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: reading ccache data from
>>> file "/var/run/ipa_memcached/krbcc_13554"
>>> [Thu Jul 21 12:01:21 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: store session:
>>> session_id=bc2c7ed0eccd840dc266efaf9ece913c
>>> start_timestamp=2016-07-21T11:58:54 access_timestamp=2016-07-21T12:01:21
>>> expiration_timestamp=2016-07-21T12:21:21
>>> Does `ipa cert-show` communicate with the same replica? Could be
>>> verified by `ipa -vv cert-show`
>>> *It's asking for the serial number of the certificate. If I give 64
>>> (serial number of ipaCert ), I get ipa: ERROR: Certificate operation
>>> cannot be completed: Unable to communicate with CMS (Not Found)*
>>> *[root@caer ~]# ipa -vv cert-show*
>>> ipa: DEBUG: importing all plugin modules in
>>> '/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ipalib/plugins'...
>>> *.*
>>> *.*
>>> *.*
>>> ipa: DEBUG: stdout=ipa_session=bc2c7ed0eccd840dc266efaf9ece913c;
>>> <>; Path=/ipa; Expires=Thu,
>>> 21 Jul 2016 16:25:32 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly
>>> ipa: DEBUG: stderr=
>>> ipa: DEBUG: found session_cookie in persistent storage for principal
>>> ' <>', cookie:
>>> 'ipa_session=bc2c7ed0eccd840dc266efaf9ece913c;
>>> <>; Path=/ipa; Expires=Thu, 21 Jul 2016 16:25:32
>>> GMT; Secure; HttpOnly'
>>> ipa: DEBUG: setting session_cookie into context
>>> 'ipa_session=bc2c7ed0eccd840dc266efaf9ece913c;'
>>> ipa: INFO: trying
>>> ipa: DEBUG: Created connection context.xmlclient
>>> Serial number: 64
>>> ipa: DEBUG: raw: cert_show(u'64')
>>> ipa: DEBUG: cert_show(u'64')
>>> ipa: INFO: Forwarding 'cert_show' to server
>>> u''
>>> ipa: DEBUG: NSSConnection init <>
>>> ipa: DEBUG: Connecting: <>
>>> send: u'POST /ipa/session/xml HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:
>>> <>\r\nAccept-Language: en-us\r\nReferer:
>>> ipa_session=bc2c7ed0eccd840dc266efaf9ece913c;\r\nUser-Agent:
>>> <> (by
>>> <>)\r\nContent-Type:
>>> text/xml\r\nContent-Length: 268\r\n\r\n'
>>> ipa: DEBUG: auth_certificate_callback: check_sig=True is_server=False
>>> *.*
>>> *.*
>>> *.*
>>> ipa: DEBUG: approved_usage = SSLServer intended_usage = SSLServer
>>> ipa: DEBUG: cert valid True for "
>>> <>,O=TELOIP.NET <http://TELOIP.NET>"
>>> ipa: DEBUG: handshake complete, peer =
>>> <>
>>> send: "<?xml version='1.0'
>>> encoding='UTF-8'?>\n<methodCall>\n<methodName>cert_show</methodName>\n<params>\n<param>\n<value><array><data>\n<value><string>64</string></value>\n</data></array></value>\n</param>\n<param>\n<value><struct>\n</struct></value>\n</param>\n</params>\n</methodCall>\n"
>>> reply: 'HTTP/1.1 200 Success\r\n'
>>> header: Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 16:05:40 GMT
>>> header: Server: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
>>> header: Set-Cookie: ipa_session=bc2c7ed0eccd840dc266efaf9ece913c;
>>> <>; Path=/ipa; Expires=Thu,
>>> 21 Jul 2016 16:25:40 GMT; Secure; HttpOnly
>>> header: Connection: close
>>> header: Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
>>> ipa: DEBUG: received Set-Cookie
>>> 'ipa_session=bc2c7ed0eccd840dc266efaf9ece913c;
>>> <>; Path=/ipa; Expires=Thu, 21 Jul 2016 16:25:40
>>> GMT; Secure; HttpOnly'
>>> ipa: DEBUG: storing cookie
>>> 'ipa_session=bc2c7ed0eccd840dc266efaf9ece913c;
>>> <>; Path=/ipa; Expires=Thu, 21 Jul 2016 16:25:40
>>> GMT; Secure; HttpOnly' for principal
>>> <>
>>> ipa: DEBUG: args=keyctl search @s user
>>> <>
>>> ipa: DEBUG: stdout=457971704
>>> ipa: DEBUG: stderr=
>>> ipa: DEBUG: args=keyctl search @s user
>>> <>
>>> ipa: DEBUG: stdout=457971704
>>> ipa: DEBUG: stderr=
>>> ipa: DEBUG: args=keyctl pupdate 457971704
>>> ipa: DEBUG: stdout=
>>> ipa: DEBUG: stderr=
>>> body: "<?xml version='1.0'
>>> encoding='UTF-8'?>\n<methodResponse>\n<fault>\n<value><struct>\n<member>\n<name>faultCode</name>\n<value><int>4301</int></value>\n</member>\n<member>\n<name>faultString</name>\n<value><string>Certificate
>>> operation cannot be completed: Unable to communicate with CMS (Not
>>> Found)</string></value>\n</member>\n</struct></value>\n</fault>\n</methodResponse>\n"
>>> ipa: DEBUG: Caught fault 4301 from server
>>> Certificate operation cannot be
>>> completed: Unable to communicate with CMS (Not Found)
>>> ipa: DEBUG: Destroyed connection context.xmlclient
>>> ipa: ERROR: Certificate operation cannot be completed: Unable to
>>> communicate with CMS (Not Found)
>>> [root@caer ~]#
>>> But more interesting is: SelfTestSubsystem: The CRITICAL self test
>>> plugin called selftests.container.instance.SystemCertsVerification
>>> running at startup FAILED!
>>> Are you sure that CA is running?
>>>    # ipactl status
>>> *Yes, CA is runnig, *
>>> *[root@caer ~]# ipactl status*
>>> Directory Service: RUNNING
>>> KDC Service: RUNNING
>>> DNS Service: RUNNING
>>> HTTP Service: RUNNING
>>> CA Service: RUNNING
>>> This looks like that self test fail and therefore CA shouldn't start. It
>>> also says that some of CA cert is not valid. Which one might be seen in
>>> /var/log/pki-ca/debug but a bigger chunk would be needed.
>>> *[root@caer ~]# tail -100 /var/log/pki-ca/debug *
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: conn is
>>> connected true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: mNumConns now 1
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In
>>> findCertRecordsInListRawJumpto with Jumpto 20160721114829Z
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In DBVirtualList filter
>>> attrs startFrom sortKey pageSize filter: (certStatus=REVOKED) attrs:
>>> [objectclass, certRevokedOn, certRecordId, certRevoInfo, notAfter,
>>> x509cert] pageSize -200 startFrom 20160721114829Z
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: returnConn: mNumConns
>>> now 2
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: returnConn: mNumConns
>>> now 3
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getEntries returning 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: mTop 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Getting Virtual List
>>> size: 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: index may be empty
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: updateCertStatus done
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Starting cert checkRanges
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Serial numbers left in
>>> range: 268369849
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Last Serial Number: 71
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Serial Numbers
>>> available: 268369849
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: cert checkRanges done
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Starting request
>>> checkRanges
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Serial numbers left in
>>> range: 9989888
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Last Serial Number: 112
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Serial Numbers
>>> available: 9989888
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:48:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: request checkRanges done
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:53:28][Timer-0]: CMSEngine: getPasswordStore(): password
>>> store initialized before.
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:53:28][Timer-0]: CMSEngine: getPasswordStore(): password
>>> store initialized.
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:28][Timer-0]: CMSEngine: getPasswordStore(): password
>>> store initialized before.
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:28][Timer-0]: CMSEngine: getPasswordStore(): password
>>> store initialized.
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: About to start
>>> updateCertStatus
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Starting
>>> updateCertStatus (entered lock)
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In updateCertStatus()
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In
>>> LdapBoundConnFactory::getConn()
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: masterConn is connected:
>>> true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: conn is
>>> connected true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: mNumConns now 2
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]:
>>> getInvalidCertificatesByNotBeforeDate filter (certStatus=INVALID)
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]:
>>> getInvalidCertificatesByNotBeforeDate: about to call
>>> findCertRecordsInList
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In
>>> LdapBoundConnFactory::getConn()
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: masterConn is connected:
>>> true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: conn is
>>> connected true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: mNumConns now 1
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In
>>> findCertRecordsInListRawJumpto with Jumpto 20160721115829Z
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In DBVirtualList filter
>>> attrs startFrom sortKey pageSize filter: (certStatus=INVALID) attrs:
>>> [objectclass, certRecordId, x509cert] pageSize -200 startFrom
>>> 20160721115829Z
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: returnConn: mNumConns
>>> now 2
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In
>>> getInvalidCertsByNotBeforeDate finally.
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: returnConn: mNumConns
>>> now 3
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getEntries returning 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: mTop 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Getting Virtual List
>>> size: 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: index may be empty
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In
>>> LdapBoundConnFactory::getConn()
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: masterConn is connected:
>>> true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: conn is
>>> connected true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: mNumConns now 2
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]:
>>> getValidCertsByNotAfterDate filter (certStatus=VALID)
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In
>>> LdapBoundConnFactory::getConn()
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: masterConn is connected:
>>> true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: conn is
>>> connected true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: mNumConns now 1
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In
>>> findCertRecordsInListRawJumpto with Jumpto 20160721115829Z
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In DBVirtualList filter
>>> attrs startFrom sortKey pageSize filter: (certStatus=VALID) attrs:
>>> [objectclass, certRecordId, x509cert] pageSize -200 startFrom
>>> 20160721115829Z
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: returnConn: mNumConns
>>> now 2
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: returnConn: mNumConns
>>> now 3
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getEntries returning 1
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: mTop 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Getting Virtual List
>>> size: 14
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]:
>>> transidValidCertificates: list size: 14
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]:
>>> transitValidCertificates: ltSize 1
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getElementAt: 0 mTop 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: reverse direction
>>> getting index 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Record does not
>>> qualify,notAfter Thu Jan 12 09:11:48 EST 2017 date Thu Jul 21 11:58:29
>>> EDT 2016
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: transitCertList EXPIRED
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In
>>> LdapBoundConnFactory::getConn()
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: masterConn is connected:
>>> true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: conn is
>>> connected true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: mNumConns now 2
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]:
>>> getRevokedCertificatesByNotAfterDate filter (certStatus=REVOKED)
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]:
>>> getRevokedCertificatesByNotAfterDate: about to call findCertRecordsInList
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In
>>> LdapBoundConnFactory::getConn()
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: masterConn is connected:
>>> true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: conn is
>>> connected true
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getConn: mNumConns now 1
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In
>>> findCertRecordsInListRawJumpto with Jumpto 20160721115829Z
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: In DBVirtualList filter
>>> attrs startFrom sortKey pageSize filter: (certStatus=REVOKED) attrs:
>>> [objectclass, certRevokedOn, certRecordId, certRevoInfo, notAfter,
>>> x509cert] pageSize -200 startFrom 20160721115829Z
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: returnConn: mNumConns
>>> now 2
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: returnConn: mNumConns
>>> now 3
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getEntries returning 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: mTop 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Getting Virtual List
>>> size: 0
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: index may be empty
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: updateCertStatus done
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Starting cert checkRanges
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Serial numbers left in
>>> range: 268369849
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Last Serial Number: 71
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Serial Numbers
>>> available: 268369849
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: cert checkRanges done
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Starting request
>>> checkRanges
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Serial numbers left in
>>> range: 9989888
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Last Serial Number: 112
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Serial Numbers
>>> available: 9989888
>>> [21/Jul/2016:11:58:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: request checkRanges done
>>> [21/Jul/2016:12:03:28][Timer-0]: CMSEngine: getPasswordStore(): password
>>> store initialized before.
>>> [21/Jul/2016:12:03:28][Timer-0]: CMSEngine: getPasswordStore(): password
>>> store initialized.
>>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Petr Vobornik <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>     On 07/21/2016 05:14 PM, Linov Suresh wrote:
>>>     > I set debug=true in /etc/ipa/default.conf
>>>     >
>>>     > Here are my logs,
>>>     The httpd_error log doesn't contain the part where `ipa cert-show 1`
>>> was
>>>     run. If it is from the same time. Does `ipa cert-show` communicate
>>> with
>>>     the same replica? Could be verified by `ipa -vv cert-show`
>>>     But more interesting is:
>>>     SelfTestSubsystem: The CRITICAL self test plugin called
>>>     selftests.container.instance.SystemCertsVerification running at
>>> startup
>>>     FAILED!
>>>     Are you sure that CA is running?
>>>        # ipactl status
>>>     This looks like that self test fail and therefore CA shouldn't
>>> start. It
>>>     also says that some of CA cert is not valid. Which one might be seen
>>> in
>>>     /var/log/pki-ca/debug but a bigger chunk would be needed.
>>>      >
>>>      > *[root@caer ~]# tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log*
>>>      > [Thu Jul 21 11:00:38 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: WSGI
>>>     WSGIExecutioner.__call__:
>>>      > [Thu Jul 21 11:00:38 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: raw:
>>>     user_show(u'admin',
>>>      > rights=False, all=False, raw=False, version=u'2.46')
>>>      > [Thu Jul 21 11:00:38 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG:
>>>     user_show(u'admin', rights=False,
>>>      > all=False, raw=False, version=u'2.46')
>>>      > [Thu Jul 21 11:00:38 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: get_memberof:
>>>      > entry_dn=uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=teloip,dc=net
>>>      >
>>> memberof=[ipapython.dn.DN('cn=admins,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>      > ipapython.dn.DN('cn=replication
>>>      > administrators,cn=privileges,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=add
>>>      > replication agreements,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>      > ipapython.dn.DN('cn=modify replication
>>>      > agreements,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=remove
>>>      > replication agreements,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>      > ipapython.dn.DN('cn=unlock user
>>>      > accounts,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=manage
>>>      > service keytab,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>      > ipapython.dn.DN('cn=trust
>>>     admins,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>      > ipapython.dn.DN('cn=host
>>>     enrollment,cn=privileges,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>      > ipapython.dn.DN('cn=manage host
>>>      > keytab,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=enroll a
>>>      > host,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=add host
>>>      > password,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=add
>>>      > krbprincipalname to a
>>> host,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net')]
>>>      > [Thu Jul 21 11:00:38 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: get_memberof:
>>> result
>>>      >
>>> direct=[ipapython.dn.DN('cn=admins,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>      > ipapython.dn.DN('cn=trust
>>>     admins,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=teloip,dc=net')]
>>>      > indirect=[ipapython.dn.DN('cn=replication
>>>      > administrators,cn=privileges,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=add
>>>      > replication agreements,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>      > ipapython.dn.DN('cn=modify replication
>>>      > agreements,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=remove
>>>      > replication agreements,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>      > ipapython.dn.DN('cn=unlock user
>>>      > accounts,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=manage
>>>      > service keytab,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>      > ipapython.dn.DN('cn=host
>>>     enrollment,cn=privileges,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>      > ipapython.dn.DN('cn=manage host
>>>      > keytab,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=enroll a
>>>      > host,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=add host
>>>      > password,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net'),
>>>     ipapython.dn.DN('cn=add
>>>      > krbprincipalname to a
>>> host,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=teloip,dc=net')]
>>>      > [Thu Jul 21 11:00:38 2016] [error] ipa: INFO:
>>>     <>
>>>      > < <>>:
>>>     user_show(u'admin', rights=False, all=False,
>>>     > raw=False, version=u'2.46'): SUCCESS
>>>     > [Thu Jul 21 11:00:38 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: response: entries
>>> returned 1
>>>     > [Thu Jul 21 11:00:38 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: Destroyed
>>> connection context.ldap2
>>>     > [Thu Jul 21 11:00:38 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: reading ccache data
>>> from file
>>>     > "/var/run/ipa_memcached/krbcc_13554"
>>>     > [Thu Jul 21 11:00:38 2016] [error] ipa: DEBUG: store session:
>>>     > session_id=10c5de02f8ae0f3969b96ef0f2e3a96d
>>> start_timestamp=2016-07-21T10:43:26
>>>     > access_timestamp=2016-07-21T11:00:38
>>> expiration_timestamp=2016-07-21T11:20:38
>>>     >
>>>      > *[root@caer ~]# tail -f /var/log/pki-ca/debug*
>>>     > [21/Jul/2016:11:08:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: RequestQueue:
>>> curReqId: 9990001
>>>     > [21/Jul/2016:11:08:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: getElementAt: 1
>>> mTop 107
>>>     > [21/Jul/2016:11:08:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: reverse direction
>>> getting index 4
>>>     > [21/Jul/2016:11:08:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: RequestQueue:
>>> curReqId: 112
>>>     > [21/Jul/2016:11:08:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: RequestQueue:
>>> getLastRequestId :
>>>     > returning value 112
>>>     > [21/Jul/2016:11:08:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Repository:
>>> mLastSerialNo: 112
>>>     > [21/Jul/2016:11:08:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Serial numbers
>>> left in range:
>>>     > 9989888
>>>     > [21/Jul/2016:11:08:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Last Serial
>>> Number: 112
>>>     > [21/Jul/2016:11:08:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: Serial Numbers
>>> available: 9989888
>>>     > [21/Jul/2016:11:08:29][CertStatusUpdateThread]: request
>>> checkRanges done
>>>     >
>>>      > *[root@caer ~]# tail -f /var/log/pki-ca/transactions*
>>>      > 6563.CRLIssuingPoint-MasterCRL - [20/Jul/2016:17:00:00 EDT] [20]
>>>     [1] CRL Update
>>>      > completed. CRL ID: MasterCRL CRL Number: 8,912 last update time:
>>>     7/20/16 5:00 PM
>>>      > next update time: 7/20/16 9:00 PM Number of entries in the CRL:
>>>     11 time: 25  CRL
>>>      > time: 25  delta CRL time: 0  (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,17,0,0,25,25)
>>>      > 6563.CRLIssuingPoint-MasterCRL - [20/Jul/2016:21:00:00 EDT] [20]
>>>     [1] CRL update
>>>      > started.  CRL ID: MasterCRL  CRL Number: 8,913  Delta CRL
>>>     Enabled: false  CRL
>>>      > Cache Enabled: true  Cache Recovery Enabled: true  Cache Cleared:
>>>     false  Cache:
>>>      > 11,0,0,0
>>>      > 6563.CRLIssuingPoint-MasterCRL - [20/Jul/2016:21:00:00 EDT] [20]
>>>     [1] CRL Update
>>>      > completed. CRL ID: MasterCRL CRL Number: 8,913 last update time:
>>>     7/20/16 9:00 PM
>>>      > next update time: 7/21/16 1:00 AM Number of entries in the CRL:
>>>     11 time: 11  CRL
>>>      > time: 11  delta CRL time: 0  (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,5,0,0,11,11)
>>>      > 6563.CRLIssuingPoint-MasterCRL - [21/Jul/2016:01:00:00 EDT] [20]
>>>     [1] CRL update
>>>      > started.  CRL ID: MasterCRL  CRL Number: 8,914  Delta CRL
>>>     Enabled: false  CRL
>>>      > Cache Enabled: true  Cache Recovery Enabled: true  Cache Cleared:
>>>     false  Cache:
>>>      > 11,0,0,0
>>>      > 6563.CRLIssuingPoint-MasterCRL - [21/Jul/2016:01:00:00 EDT] [20]
>>>     [1] CRL Update
>>>      > completed. CRL ID: MasterCRL CRL Number: 8,914 last update time:
>>>     7/21/16 1:00 AM
>>>      > next update time: 7/21/16 5:00 AM Number of entries in the CRL:
>>>     11 time: 13  CRL
>>>      > time: 13  delta CRL time: 0  (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,7,0,0,13,13)
>>>      > 6563.CRLIssuingPoint-MasterCRL - [21/Jul/2016:05:00:00 EDT] [20]
>>>     [1] CRL update
>>>      > started.  CRL ID: MasterCRL  CRL Number: 8,915  Delta CRL
>>>     Enabled: false  CRL
>>>      > Cache Enabled: true  Cache Recovery Enabled: true  Cache Cleared:
>>>     false  Cache:
>>>      > 11,0,0,0
>>>      > 6563.CRLIssuingPoint-MasterCRL - [21/Jul/2016:05:00:00 EDT] [20]
>>>     [1] CRL Update
>>>      > completed. CRL ID: MasterCRL CRL Number: 8,915 last update time:
>>>     7/21/16 5:00 AM
>>>      > next update time: 7/21/16 9:00 AM Number of entries in the CRL:
>>>     11 time: 16  CRL
>>>      > time: 16  delta CRL time: 0  (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,8,0,0,16,16)
>>>      > 6563.CRLIssuingPoint-MasterCRL - [21/Jul/2016:09:00:00 EDT] [20]
>>>     [1] CRL update
>>>      > started.  CRL ID: MasterCRL  CRL Number: 8,916  Delta CRL
>>>     Enabled: false  CRL
>>>      > Cache Enabled: true  Cache Recovery Enabled: true  Cache Cleared:
>>>     false  Cache:
>>>      > 11,0,0,0
>>>      > 6563.CRLIssuingPoint-MasterCRL - [21/Jul/2016:09:00:00 EDT] [20]
>>>     [1] CRL Update
>>>      > completed. CRL ID: MasterCRL CRL Number: 8,916 last update time:
>>>     7/21/16 9:00 AM
>>>      > next update time: 7/21/16 1:00 PM Number of entries in the CRL:
>>>     11 time: 13  CRL
>>>      > time: 13  delta CRL time: 0  (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,7,0,0,13,13)
>>>      > 10657.http-9443-2 - [21/Jul/2016:10:28:19 EDT] [20] [1] renewal
>>>     reqID 112
>>>      > fromAgent userID: ipara authenticated by certUserDBAuthMgr is
>>>     completed DN
>>>      > requested: CN=CA Audit,O=TELOIP.NET <http://TELOIP.NET>
>>>     <http://TELOIP.NET> cert issued serial
>>>      > number: 0x47 time: 39
>>>      >
>>>      > *[root@caer ~]# tail -f /var/log/pki-ca/selftests.log*
>>>     > 14116.main - [21/Jul/2016:10:58:29 EDT] [20] [1]
>>> SelfTestSubsystem:  loading all
>>>     > self test plugin logger parameters
>>>     > 14116.main - [21/Jul/2016:10:58:29 EDT] [20] [1]
>>> SelfTestSubsystem:  loading all
>>>     > self test plugin instances
>>>     > 14116.main - [21/Jul/2016:10:58:29 EDT] [20] [1]
>>> SelfTestSubsystem:  loading all
>>>     > self test plugin instance parameters
>>>     > 14116.main - [21/Jul/2016:10:58:29 EDT] [20] [1]
>>> SelfTestSubsystem:  loading
>>>     > self test plugins in on-demand order
>>>     > 14116.main - [21/Jul/2016:10:58:29 EDT] [20] [1]
>>> SelfTestSubsystem:  loading
>>>     > self test plugins in startup order
>>>     > 14116.main - [21/Jul/2016:10:58:29 EDT] [20] [1]
>>> SelfTestSubsystem: Self test
>>>     > plugins have been successfully loaded!
>>>     > 14116.main - [21/Jul/2016:10:58:30 EDT] [20] [1]
>>> SelfTestSubsystem: Running self
>>>     > test plugins specified to be executed at startup:
>>>     > 14116.main - [21/Jul/2016:10:58:30 EDT] [20] [1] CAPresence:  CA
>>> is present
>>>     > 14116.main - [21/Jul/2016:10:58:30 EDT] [20] [1]
>>> SystemCertsVerification: system
>>>     > certs verification failure
>>>     > 14116.main - [21/Jul/2016:10:58:30 EDT] [20] [1]
>>> SelfTestSubsystem: The CRITICAL
>>>     > self test plugin called
>>> selftests.container.instance.SystemCertsVerification
>>>     > running at startup FAILED!
>>>     >
>>>      > But intrestingly, [root@caer ~]# ipa cert-show 1 returns "*ipa:
>>>     ERROR:
>>>     > Certificate operation cannot be completed: Unable to communicate
>>> with CMS (Not
>>>      > Found)*"
>>>     >
>>>     > On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Linov Suresh <
>>> <>
>>>     > < <>>>
>>> wrote:
>>>     >
>>>     >     This could be because of incorrect trust attributes trust on
>>> the
>>>     >     certificates, the current attributes are,
>>>     >
>>>     >     [root@caer ~]#  certutil -L -d /var/lib/pki-ca/alias
>>>     >
>>>     >     Certificate Nickname
>>>  Trust Attributes
>>>     >
>>>     >
>>>     >     ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca
>>>  u,u,Pu
>>>     >     subsystemCert cert-pki-ca
>>>  u,u,Pu
>>>     >     caSigningCert cert-pki-ca
>>>  CTu,Cu,Cu
>>>     >     subsystemCert cert-pki-ca
>>>  u,u,Pu
>>>     >     Server-Cert cert-pki-ca
>>>   u,u,u
>>>     >     auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca
>>>  u,u,Pu
>>>     >
>>>     >     I'm going to fix the trust attributes and try.
>>>     >
>>>     >     On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 9:45 AM, Petr Vobornik <
>>> <>
>>>      >     < <>>>
>>> wrote:
>>>      >
>>>      >         On 07/20/2016 09:41 PM, Linov Suresh wrote:
>>>      >         > I have restarted the pki-cad and checked if
>>>     communication with the CA is
>>>      >         > working, but no luck,
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         > Debug logs in /var/log/pki-ca do not have anything
>>>     unusual. Can you think of
>>>      >         > anything other than  this?
>>>      >
>>>      >         /var/log/httpd/error_log when /etc/ipa.conf is set to
>>>     debug=true
>>>      >
>>>      >
>>>      >         /var/log/pki-ca/debug
>>>      >         /var/log/pki-ca/transactions
>>>      >         /var/log/pki-ca/selftest.log
>>>      >
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         > [root@caer ~]# ipa cert-show 1
>>>      >         >    Certificate:
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >
>>>     A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDegJ5XVR0JSc76s9FPkkkuug3PtZi5Ysad0Dr1I5ngjTOV
>>>      >         >
>>>     ctm/P7buk2g8LxBSXLO+7Rq7PTtTD5AJ7vQjrv2RtoYTPdRebAuukTKd6RhtYa5e
>>>      >         >
>>>     tX7z0DBjQ8g9Erqf9GzLxlQqim8ZvscATBhf6MLb5cXA/pWHYuE2j0OlnrSNWqsb
>>>      >         >
>>>     UgwMsM73RlsNACsvLUk4iJY0wuxj4L/0EBQWUPGr8qBk3QBST4LDnInuvvGsAFNe
>>>      >         >
>>>     tyebENMRWnEaDFYKPapACrtKAl3hQNDB7dVGk64Dd7paXss9F8vgVnofgFpjiJs7
>>>      >         >
>>>     5DNtKhKxzFQyanINU+uuIVs/CNIO3jV9I26ems2zAgMBAAGjgaUwgaIwHwYDVR0j
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >
>>>     AQUFBwEBBDMwMTAvBggrBgEFBQcwAYYjaHR0cDovL2NhZXIudGVsb2lwLm5ldDo5
>>>      >         >
>>>     MTgwL2NhL29jc3AwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAHGElN0OcepokvNIN8f4mvTj
>>>      >         >
>>>     kL9wcuZwbbX9gZGdKSZf5Redp4tsJW8EJCy8yu9F5U+Ym3RcvJBiby9gHCVVbW+y
>>>      >         >
>>>     5IgziiJ3kd4UlVJCDVKtbdq62bODcatFsMH8wJSMW6Cw096RyfGgu2qSyXzdZ2xV
>>>      >         >
>>>     nMovO3+Eaz2n0x4ZvaEj9Ixym/KI+QPCAL7gPkK36X4JYgM3CXUCYCN/QJY/psFt
>>>      >         >
>>>     e+121ubSZX5u3Yntux4KziJ3cx9wZ74iKff1BOVxOCi0JyLn2k15bvBXGvxxgmhK
>>>      >         >
>>>     b8YUVbDJDb9oWSbixl/TQI9PZysXYIvBNJM8h+HRKIJksKGQhKOERzrYoqABt30=
>>>      >          >    Subject: CN=Certificate Authority,O=TELOIP.NET
>>>     <http://TELOIP.NET> <http://TELOIP.NET>
>>>      >         <http://TELOIP.NET>
>>>      >          >    Issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=TELOIP.NET
>>>     <http://TELOIP.NET> <http://TELOIP.NET>
>>>      >         <http://TELOIP.NET>
>>>      >         >    Not Before: Wed Dec 14 22:29:56 2011 UTC
>>>      >         >    Not After: Sat Dec 14 22:29:56 2019 UTC
>>>      >         >    Fingerprint (MD5):
>>>     c9:27:1d:84:4c:2c:97:38:a4:7b:9a:c0:78:3e:7f:7a
>>>      >         >    Fingerprint (SHA1):
>>>     ce:d7:11:84:70:dd:cb:4e:e2:08:f5:c0:ac:ff:b3:c5:bb:81:77:7e
>>>      >         >    Serial number (hex): 0x1
>>>      >         >    Serial number: 1
>>>      >         > [root@caer ~]#
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         > *ca-error: Internal error: no response to
>>>      >          >
>>>      >
>>>       "
>>> ".
>>>      >          > *
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         > On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Rob Crittenden
>>>     < <>
>>>     < <>>
>>>     >         > < <>
>>>     < <>>>> wrote:
>>>     >         >
>>>     >         >     Linov Suresh wrote:
>>>     >         >
>>>      >         >         Thanks for your help Rob, I will create a
>>>     separate thread for IPA
>>>      >         >         replication issue. But we are still getting
>>>      >         >         *
>>>      >         >         *
>>>      >         >         *ca-error: Internal error: no response to
>>>      >         >
>>>       "
>>> ".*
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >              Could you please help us to fix this?
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >     I think your CA isn't quite fixed yet. I'd restart
>>>     pki-cad then do something
>>>      >         >     like: ipa cert-show 1
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >     You should get back a cert (doesn't really matter
>>>     what cert).
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >     Otherwise I'd check the CA debug log somewhere in
>>>     /var/log/pki
>>>      >         >
>>>      >         >     rob
>>>      >         >
>>>     --
>>>     Petr Vobornik
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