On 08/24/2016 04:43 AM, Ludwig Krispenz wrote:
> On 08/24/2016 01:08 AM, Ian Harding wrote:
>> On 08/23/2016 03:14 AM, Ludwig Krispenz wrote:
>>> On 08/23/2016 11:52 AM, Ian Harding wrote:
>>>> Ah.  I see.  I mixed those up but I see that those would have to be
>>>> consistent.
>>>> However, I have been trying to beat some invalid RUV to death for a
>>>> long
>>>> time and I can't seem to kill them.
>>>> For example, bellevuenfs has 9 and 16 which are invalid:
>>>> [ianh@seattlenfs ~]$ ldapsearch -ZZ -h seattlenfs.bpt.rocks -D
>>>> "cn=Directory Manager" -W -b "dc=bpt,dc=rocks"
>>>> "(&(objectclass=nstombstone)(nsUniqueId=ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff))"
>>>> | grep "nsds50ruv\|nsDS5ReplicaId"
>>>> Enter LDAP Password:
>>>> nsDS5ReplicaId: 7
>>>> nsds50ruv: {replicageneration} 55c8f364000000040000
>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 7 ldap://seattlenfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>> 568ac3cc000000070000 57
>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 20 ldap://freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>> 57b10377000200140000
>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 18 ldap://bpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>> 57a47801000100120000
>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 15 ldap://fremontnis.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>> 57a403860000000f0000 5
>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 14 ldap://freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>> 57a2dccd0000000e0000
>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 17 ldap://edinburghnfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>> 57a422f9000000110000
>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 19 ldap://bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>> 57a4f20d000600130000
>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 16 ldap://bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>> 57a41706000000100000
>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 9 ldap://bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>> 570484ee000000090000 5
>>>> So I try to kill them like so:
>>>> [ianh@seattlenfs ~]$ ipa-replica-manage clean-ruv 9 --force --cleanup
>>>> ipa: WARNING: session memcached servers not running
>>>> Clean the Replication Update Vector for bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389
>>>> Cleaning the wrong replica ID will cause that server to no
>>>> longer replicate so it may miss updates while the process
>>>> is running. It would need to be re-initialized to maintain
>>>> consistency. Be very careful.
>>>> Background task created to clean replication data. This may take a
>>>> while.
>>>> This may be safely interrupted with Ctrl+C
>>>> ^C[ianh@seattlenfs ~]$ ipa-replica-manage clean-ruv 16 --force
>>>> --cleanup
>>>> ipa: WARNING: session memcached servers not running
>>>> Clean the Replication Update Vector for bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389
>>>> Cleaning the wrong replica ID will cause that server to no
>>>> longer replicate so it may miss updates while the process
>>>> is running. It would need to be re-initialized to maintain
>>>> consistency. Be very careful.
>>>> Background task created to clean replication data. This may take a
>>>> while.
>>>> This may be safely interrupted with Ctrl+C
>>>> ^C[ianh@seattlenfs ~]$ ipa-replica-manage list-clean-ruv
>>>> ipa: WARNING: session memcached servers not running
>>>> CLEANALLRUV tasks
>>>> RID 16: Waiting to process all the updates from the deleted replica...
>>>> RID 9: Waiting to process all the updates from the deleted replica...
>>>> No abort CLEANALLRUV tasks running
>>>> [ianh@seattlenfs ~]$ ipa-replica-manage list-clean-ruv
>>>> ipa: WARNING: session memcached servers not running
>>>> CLEANALLRUV tasks
>>>> RID 16: Waiting to process all the updates from the deleted replica...
>>>> RID 9: Waiting to process all the updates from the deleted replica...
>>>> and it never finishes.
>>>> seattlenfs is the first master, that's the only place I should have to
>>>> run this command, right?
>>> right, you need to run it only on one master, but this ease of use can
>>> become the problem.
>>> The cleanallruv task is propagated to all servers in the topology and it
>>> does this based on the replication agreements it finds.
>>> A frequent cause of failure is that replication agreements still exist
>>> pointing to no longer existing servers. It is a bit tedious, but could
>>> you run the following search on ALL
>>> of your current replicas (as directory manager):
>>> ldapsearch ...... -b "cn=config" "objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement"
>>> nsds5replicahost
>>> if you find any agreement where nsds5replicahost is a host no longer
>>> existing or working, delete these agreements.
>> I have 7 FreeIPA servers, all of which have been in existence in some
>> form or another since I started.  It used to work great.  I've broken it
>> now but the hostnames and ip addresses all still exist.  I've
>> uninstalled and reinstalled them a few times which I think is the source
>> of my troubles so I tried to straighten out the RUVs and probably messed
>> that up pretty good
>> Anyway, now what I THINK I have is
>> seattlenfs
>> |-freeipa-sea
>>    |- freeipa-dal
>>    |- bellevuenfs
>>    |- fremontnis
>>    |- bpt-nyc1-nfs
>>    |- edinburghnfs
>> Until I get this squared away I've turned off ipa services on all but
>> seattlenfs, freeipa-sea and freeipa-dal and am hoping that any password
>> changes etc. happen on seattlenfs.  I need the other two because they
>> are my DNS.  The rest I can kind of live without since they are just
>> local instances living on nfs servers.
>> Here's the output from that ldap query on all the hosts:
> yes, looks like the replication agreements are fine, but the RUVs are not.
> In the o=ipaca suffix, there is a reference to bellvuenis:
>  [{replica 76
> ldap://bellevuenis.bpt.rocks:389} 56f385eb0007004c0000

are the RUV in that suffix as big a problem?  There are tons of "dead"
RUV in there.

> but this seems to be now bellevuenfs.
> In the dc=bpt,dc=rocks replica id 9 is causing the trouble. There are
> two replicaids : 9 and 16 for bellevuenfs, and it causes replication
> failure from edinburgh to freeipa-sea. Looks like replicaid 9 is not
> present in freeipa-sea and edinburgh "thinks" it has to send changes,
> but can't position in changelog.
> You had tried to cleanallruv for rid9, which seemed not to complete, but
> I don't know what the status is on all servers.
> what I would do is
> check again the ruvs (the fffff.... tombstone) on all servers,
> check  if there are still active tasks, try to get rid of them, (but
> they can be stubborn), either by trying abort cleanallruv or the hard
> way, stop the server, check the dse.ldif for existing task attributes in
> the replica object and remove them.

I'm interested in this option.  Most of the servers are off now anyway,
so I can hack the dse.ldif I suppose but I'm not sure what I'm looking

> then either retry cleanallruv, but without the force option (this makes
> the task live until all servers are cleaned, but if replication does not
> work this will not happen),
> or, on each server do individual ruv cleaning (only on the server, not
> the cleanallruv task), you can have a look here:
> http://www.port389.org/docs/389ds/howto/howto-cleanruv.html
>> [root@seattlenfs ianh]# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -b
>> "cn=config" "objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement" nsds5replicahost
>> Enter LDAP Password:
>> # extended LDIF
>> #
>> # LDAPv3
>> # base <cn=config> with scope subtree
>> # filter: objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement
>> # requesting: nsds5replicahost
>> #
>> # meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, conf
>>   ig
>> dn:
>> cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mappin
>>   g tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks
>> # masterAgreement1-bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat, replica, o\3Dipaca,
>> mappin
>>   g tree, config
>> dn:
>> cn=masterAgreement1-bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipa
>>   ca,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks
>> # masterAgreement1-bpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat, replica,
>> o\3Dipaca, mappi
>>   ng tree, config
>> dn:
>> cn=masterAgreement1-bpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dip
>>   aca,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: bpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks
>> # masterAgreement1-freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat, replica, o\3Dipaca,
>> mappin
>>   g tree, config
>> dn:
>> cn=masterAgreement1-freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipa
>>   ca,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks
>> # masterAgreement1-freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat, replica, o\3Dipaca,
>> mappin
>>   g tree, config
>> dn:
>> cn=masterAgreement1-freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipa
>>   ca,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks
>> # masterAgreement1-fremontnis.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat, replica, o\3Dipaca,
>> mapping
>>    tree, config
>> dn:
>> cn=masterAgreement1-fremontnis.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipac
>>   a,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: fremontnis.bpt.rocks
>> # search result
>> search: 2
>> result: 0 Success
>> # numResponses: 7
>> # numEntries: 6
>> [root@freeipa-sea ianh]# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -b
>> "cn=config" "objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement" nsds5replicahost
>> Enter LDAP Password:
>> # extended LDIF
>> #
>> # LDAPv3
>> # base <cn=config> with scope subtree
>> # filter: objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement
>> # requesting: nsds5replicahost
>> #
>> # meTobellevuenfs.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, conf
>>   ig
>> dn:
>> cn=meTobellevuenfs.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mappin
>>   g tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks
>> # meTobpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, con
>>   fig
>> dn:
>> cn=meTobpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mappi
>>   ng tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: bpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks
>> # meToedinburghnfs.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, con
>>   fig
>> dn:
>> cn=meToedinburghnfs.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mappi
>>   ng tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: edinburghnfs.bpt.rocks
>> # meTofreeipa-dal.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, conf
>>   ig
>> dn:
>> cn=meTofreeipa-dal.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mappin
>>   g tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks
>> # meTofremontnis.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, confi
>>   g
>> dn:
>> cn=meTofremontnis.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mapping
>>    tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: fremontnis.bpt.rocks
>> # meToseattlenfs.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, confi
>>   g
>> dn:
>> cn=meToseattlenfs.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mapping
>>    tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: seattlenfs.bpt.rocks
>> # cloneAgreement1-freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat, replica, o\3Dipaca,
>> mapping
>>    tree, config
>> dn:
>> cn=cloneAgreement1-freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipac
>>   a,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: seattlenfs.bpt.rocks
>> # search result
>> search: 2
>> result: 0 Success
>> # numResponses: 8
>> # numEntries: 7
>> [root@freeipa-dal ianh]# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -b
>> "cn=config" "objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement" nsds5replicahost
>> Enter LDAP Password:
>> # extended LDIF
>> #
>> # LDAPv3
>> # base <cn=config> with scope subtree
>> # filter: objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement
>> # requesting: nsds5replicahost
>> #
>> # meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, conf
>>   ig
>> dn:
>> cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mappin
>>   g tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks
>> # cloneAgreement1-freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat, replica, o\3Dipaca,
>> mapping
>>    tree, config
>> dn:
>> cn=cloneAgreement1-freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipac
>>   a,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: seattlenfs.bpt.rocks
>> # search result
>> search: 2
>> result: 0 Success
>> # numResponses: 3
>> # numEntries: 2
>> [root@bellevuenfs ianh]# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -b
>> "cn=config" "objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement" nsds5replicahost
>> Enter LDAP Password:
>> # extended LDIF
>> #
>> # LDAPv3
>> # base <cn=config> with scope subtree
>> # filter: objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement
>> # requesting: nsds5replicahost
>> #
>> # meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, conf
>>   ig
>> dn:
>> cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mappin
>>   g tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks
>> # cloneAgreement1-bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat, replica, o\3Dipaca,
>> mapping
>>    tree, config
>> dn:
>> cn=cloneAgreement1-bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipac
>>   a,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: seattlenfs.bpt.rocks
>> # search result
>> search: 2
>> result: 0 Success
>> # numResponses: 3
>> # numEntries: 2
>> [root@fremontnis ianh]# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -b
>> "cn=config" "objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement" nsds5replicahost
>> Enter LDAP Password:
>> # extended LDIF
>> #
>> # LDAPv3
>> # base <cn=config> with scope subtree
>> # filter: objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement
>> # requesting: nsds5replicahost
>> #
>> # meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, conf
>>   ig
>> dn:
>> cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mappin
>>   g tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks
>> # cloneAgreement1-fremontnis.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat, replica, o\3Dipaca,
>> mapping
>>   tree, config
>> dn:
>> cn=cloneAgreement1-fremontnis.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipaca
>>   ,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: seattlenfs.bpt.rocks
>> # search result
>> search: 2
>> result: 0 Success
>> # numResponses: 3
>> # numEntries: 2
>> [root@bpt-nyc1-nfs ianh]# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -b
>> "cn=config" "objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement" nsds5replicahost
>> Enter LDAP Password:
>> # extended LDIF
>> #
>> # LDAPv3
>> # base <cn=config> with scope subtree
>> # filter: objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement
>> # requesting: nsds5replicahost
>> #
>> # meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, conf
>>   ig
>> dn:
>> cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mappin
>>   g tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks
>> # cloneAgreement1-bpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat, replica, o\3Dipaca,
>> mappin
>>   g tree, config
>> dn:
>> cn=cloneAgreement1-bpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipa
>>   ca,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: seattlenfs.bpt.rocks
>> # search result
>> search: 2
>> result: 0 Success
>> # numResponses: 3
>> # numEntries: 2
>> [root@edinburghnfs ianh]# ldapsearch -D "cn=Directory Manager" -W -b
>> "cn=config" "objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement" nsds5replicahost
>> Enter LDAP Password:
>> # extended LDIF
>> #
>> # LDAPv3
>> # base <cn=config> with scope subtree
>> # filter: objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement
>> # requesting: nsds5replicahost
>> #
>> # meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks, replica, dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks, mapping
>> tree, conf
>>   ig
>> dn:
>> cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dbpt\2Cdc\3Drocks,cn=mappin
>>   g tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks
>> # cloneAgreement1-edinburghnfs.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat, replica, o\3Dipaca,
>> mappin
>>   g tree, config
>> dn:
>> cn=cloneAgreement1-edinburghnfs.bpt.rocks-pki-tomcat,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipa
>>   ca,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
>> nsds5replicahost: freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks
>> # search result
>> search: 2
>> result: 0 Success
>> # numResponses: 3
>> # numEntries: 2
>> Here's the errors from starting up EDINBURGHNFS to run that query.  It
>> has some familiar looking problems.
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] SSL Initialization - Configured SSL version
>> range: min: TLS1.0, max: TLS1.2
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] - 389-Directory/ B2016.215.1556
>> starting up
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] - WARNING: changelog: entry cache size
>> 2097152B is less than db size 12361728B; We recommend to increase the
>> entry cache size nsslapd-cachememsize.
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] schema-compat-plugin - scheduled
>> schema-compat-plugin tree scan in about 5 seconds after the server
>> startup!
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=groups,cn=compat,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=computers,cn=compat,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=ng,cn=compat,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> ou=sudoers,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=users,cn=compat,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=vaults,cn=kra,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=vaults,cn=kra,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=vaults,cn=kra,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=vaults,cn=kra,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=vaults,cn=kra,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=vaults,cn=kra,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=vaults,cn=kra,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=vaults,cn=kra,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=vaults,cn=kra,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=vaults,cn=kra,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=vaults,cn=kra,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=ad,cn=etc,dc=bpt,dc=rocks does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=casigningcert cert-pki-ca,cn=ca_renewal,cn=ipa,cn=etc,dc=bpt,dc=rocks
>> does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target
>> cn=casigningcert cert-pki-ca,cn=ca_renewal,cn=ipa,cn=etc,dc=bpt,dc=rocks
>> does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSACLPlugin - The ACL target cn=automember
>> rebuild membership,cn=tasks,cn=config does not exist
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] auto-membership-plugin -
>> automember_parse_regex_rule: Unable to parse regex rule (invalid regex).
>>   Error "nothing to repeat".
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 1095
>> ldap://freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks:389} 579a963c000004470000
>> 57a575a0000004470000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 81
>> ldap://seattlenfs.bpt.rocks:389} 568ac431000000510000
>> 57a4175f000500510000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 96
>> ldap://freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks:389} 55c8f3bd000000600000
>> 5799a02e000000600000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 86
>> ldap://fremontnis.bpt.rocks:389} 5685b24e000000560000
>> 5703db4b000500560000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 91
>> ldap://seattlenis.bpt.rocks:389} 567ad6180001005b0000
>> 568703740000005b0000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 97
>> ldap://freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks:389} 55c8f3ce000000610000
>> 56f4d70b000000610000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 76
>> ldap://bellevuenis.bpt.rocks:389} 56f385eb0007004c0000
>> 56f386180004004c0000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 71
>> ldap://bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389} 57048560000900470000
>> 5745722e000000470000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 66
>> ldap://bpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks:389} 5733e594000a00420000
>> 5733e5b7002f00420000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 61
>> ldap://edinburghnfs.bpt.rocks:389} 574421250000003d0000
>> 57785b420004003d0000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 1090
>> ldap://freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks:389} 57a2dd35000004420000
>> 57a2dd35000404420000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 1085
>> ldap://fremontnis.bpt.rocks:389} 57a403e60000043d0000
>> 57a403e70002043d0000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 1080
>> ldap://bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389} 57a41767000004380000
>> 57a41768000004380000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
>> replica_check_for_data_reload: Warning: for replica o=ipaca there were
>> some differences between the changelog max RUV and the database RUV.  If
>> there are obsolete elements in the database RUV, you should remove them
>> using the CLEANALLRUV task.  If they are not obsolete, you should check
>> their status to see why there are no changes from those servers in the
>> changelog.
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] set_krb5_creds - Could not get initial
>> credentials for principal [ldap/edinburghnfs.bpt.rocks@BPT.ROCKS] in
>> keytab [FILE:/etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab]: -1765328228 (Cannot contact any KDC
>> for requested realm)
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace
>> (nsslapd-referral, ldap://freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace
>> (nsslapd-referral, ldap://freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks:389/o%3Dipaca) failed.
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 20
>> ldap://freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks:389} 57b10377000200140000
>> 57bb7bc9000500140000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 18
>> ldap://bpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks:389} 57a47801000100120000
>> 57b03107000100120000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 15
>> ldap://fremontnis.bpt.rocks:389} 57a403860000000f0000
>> 57b036b20002000f0000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 14
>> ldap://freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks:389} 57a2dccd0000000e0000
>> 57bb7b690005000e0000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 19
>> ldap://bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389} 57a4f20d000600130000
>> 57b0fa3b000100130000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 16
>> ldap://bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389} 57a41706000000100000
>> 57a41706000100100000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - ruv_compare_ruv:
>> RUV [changelog max RUV] does not contain element [{replica 9
>> ldap://bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389} 570484ee000000090000
>> 579f6419000000090000] which is present in RUV [database RUV]
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
>> replica_check_for_data_reload: Warning: for replica dc=bpt,dc=rocks
>> there were some differences between the changelog max RUV and the
>> database RUV.  If there are obsolete elements in the database RUV, you
>> should remove them using the CLEANALLRUV task.  If they are not
>> obsolete, you should check their status to see why there are no changes
>> from those servers in the changelog.
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace
>> (nsslapd-referral,
>> ldap://seattlenfs.bpt.rocks:389/dc%3Dbpt%2Cdc%3Drocks) failed.
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] attrlist_replace - attr_replace
>> (nsslapd-referral,
>> ldap://seattlenfs.bpt.rocks:389/dc%3Dbpt%2Cdc%3Drocks) failed.
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] schema-compat-plugin - schema-compat-plugin
>> tree scan will start in about 5 seconds!
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] - slapd started.  Listening on All
>> Interfaces port 389 for LDAP requests
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] - Listening on All Interfaces port 636 for
>> LDAPS requests
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] - Listening on
>> /var/run/slapd-BPT-ROCKS.socket for LDAPI requests
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] slapd_ldap_sasl_interactive_bind - Error:
>> could not perform interactive bind for id [] mech [GSSAPI]: LDAP error
>> -2 (Local error) (SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified
>> GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information (No Kerberos
>> credentials available)) errno 0 (Success)
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] slapi_ldap_bind - Error: could not perform
>> interactive bind for id [] authentication mechanism [GSSAPI]: error -2
>> (Local error)
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:35 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
>> agmt="cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks" (freeipa-sea:389): Replication bind
>> with GSSAPI auth failed: LDAP error -2 (Local error) (SASL(-1): generic
>> failure: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide
>> more information (No Kerberos credentials available))
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:39 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
>> agmt="cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks" (freeipa-sea:389): Replication bind
>> with GSSAPI auth resumed
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:40 +0100] schema-compat-plugin - Finished plugin
>> initialization.
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:41 +0100] agmt="cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks"
>> (freeipa-sea:389) - Can't locate CSN 570484ee000000090000 in the
>> changelog (DB rc=-30988). If replication stops, the consumer may need to
>> be reinitialized.
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:41 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin - changelog program -
>> agmt="cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks" (freeipa-sea:389): CSN
>> 570484ee000000090000 not found, we aren't as up to date, or we purged
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:41 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
>> agmt="cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks" (freeipa-sea:389): Data required to
>> update replica has been purged. The replica must be reinitialized.
>> [23/Aug/2016:23:56:42 +0100] NSMMReplicationPlugin -
>> agmt="cn=meTofreeipa-sea.bpt.rocks" (freeipa-sea:389): Incremental
>> update failed and requires administrator action
>> I went around and around re-initializing from various servers last night
>> to try make these go away but it's like whackamole.
>> What's the best way you can think of to put humpty dumpty back together
>> again?
>> Thank you so much for your time.  Come to Tacoma and I will buy you all
>> the beer.
>>>> I'm about to burn everything down and ipa-server-install --uninstall
>>>> but
>>>> I've done that before a couple times and that seems to be what got me
>>>> into this mess...
>>>> Thank you for your help.
>>>> On 08/23/2016 01:37 AM, Ludwig Krispenz wrote:
>>>>> looks like you are searching the nstombstone below "o=ipaca", but you
>>>>> are cleaning ruvs in "dc=bpt,dc=rocks",
>>>>> your attrlist_replace error refers to the bpt,rocks backend, so you
>>>>> should search the tombstone entry ther, then determine which
>>>>> replicaIDs
>>>>> to remove.
>>>>> Ludwig
>>>>> On 08/23/2016 09:20 AM, Ian Harding wrote:
>>>>>> I've followed the procedure in this thread:
>>>>>> https://www.redhat.com/archives/freeipa-users/2016-May/msg00043.html
>>>>>> and found my list of RUV that don't have an existing replica id.
>>>>>> I've tried to remove them like so:
>>>>>> [root@seattlenfs ianh]# ldapmodify -D "cn=directory manager" -W -a
>>>>>> Enter LDAP Password:
>>>>>> dn: cn=clean 97, cn=cleanallruv, cn=tasks, cn=config
>>>>>> objectclass: top
>>>>>> objectclass: extensibleObject
>>>>>> replica-base-dn: dc=bpt,dc=rocks
>>>>>> replica-id: 97
>>>>>> replica-force-cleaning: yes
>>>>>> cn: clean 97
>>>>>> adding new entry "cn=clean 97, cn=cleanallruv, cn=tasks, cn=config"
>>>>>> [root@seattlenfs ianh]# ipa-replica-manage list-clean-ruv
>>>>>> CLEANALLRUV tasks
>>>>>> RID 9: Waiting to process all the updates from the deleted replica...
>>>>>> RID 96: Successfully cleaned rid(96).
>>>>>> RID 97: Successfully cleaned rid(97).
>>>>>> No abort CLEANALLRUV tasks running
>>>>>> and yet, they are still there...
>>>>>> [root@seattlenfs ianh]# ldapsearch -ZZ -h seattlenfs.bpt.rocks -D
>>>>>> "cn=Directory Manager" -W -b "o=ipaca"
>>>>>> "(&(objectclass=nstombstone)(nsUniqueId=ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff))"
>>>>>> | grep "nsds50ruv\|nsDS5ReplicaId"
>>>>>> Enter LDAP Password:
>>>>>> nsDS5ReplicaId: 81
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replicageneration} 55c8f3ae000000600000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 81 ldap://seattlenfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 568ac431000000510000 5
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 1065 ldap://freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 57b103d400000429000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 1070 ldap://bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 57a4f2700000042e000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 1075 ldap://bpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 57a478650000043300
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 1080 ldap://bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 57a4176700000438000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 1085 ldap://fremontnis.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 57a403e60000043d0000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 1090 ldap://freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 57a2dd3500000442000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 1095 ldap://freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 579a963c00000447000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 96 ldap://freeipa-sea.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 55c8f3bd000000600000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 86 ldap://fremontnis.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 5685b24e000000560000 5
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 91 ldap://seattlenis.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 567ad6180001005b0000 5
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 97 ldap://freeipa-dal.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 55c8f3ce000000610000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 76 ldap://bellevuenis.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 56f385eb0007004c0000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 71 ldap://bellevuenfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 57048560000900470000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 66 ldap://bpt-nyc1-nfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 5733e594000a00420000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 61 ldap://edinburghnfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 574421250000003d0000
>>>>>> nsds50ruv: {replica 1195 ldap://edinburghnfs.bpt.rocks:389}
>>>>>> 57a42390000004ab00
>>>>>> What have I done wrong?
>>>>>> The problem I am trying to solve is that seattlenfs.bpt.rocks sends
>>>>>> updates to all its children, but their changes don't come back
>>>>>> because
>>>>>> of these errors:
>>>>>> [23/Aug/2016:00:02:16 -0700] attrlist_replace - attr_replace
>>>>>> (nsslapd-referral,
>>>>>> ldap://seattlenfs.bpt.rocks:389/dc%3Dbpt%2Cdc%3Drocks) failed.
>>>>>> in effect, the replication agreements are one-way.
>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>> - Ian

Ian Harding
IT Director
Brown Paper Tickets
1-800-838-3006 ext 7186

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