Hello !

I contact you because I have a problem with a filer mounted on a server on
which I installed freeipa client.

I'm using FreeIPA 3.0.0-47 for both client and servers.

The filer is mounted on /myfiler
I have a user defined in freeipa : User1
I have a group defined in freeipa : Group1
I have another user defined in freeipa : User2
User2 belongs to group Group1.

Test 1 :
I create a folder Folder1 outside of the filer, in /usr for example.
I set the posix permissions 750 and owner = user1 and group=group1.
I connect with user2 and tries to read the content of the folder
It works fine.

Test 2 :
I create a folder Folder2 inside the filer, in /myfiler for example.
I set the posix permissions 750 and owner = user1 and group=group1.
I connect with user2 and tries to read the content of the folder
It does not work with the following error : permission denied.

Is there something to do from filer side to plugin with FreeIPA server ?

Best regards.

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