"Răzvan Corneliu C.R. VILT" wrote:
Hi Jake,

 From the output below (assuming a non-altered copy+paste), the host-add
request is interpreted by ipa as "<SPACE>server100.example.com
<http://server100.example.com>" while the delete is interpreted as
"server100.example.com <http://server100.example.com>". If that's the
case, try using quotes or searching the LDAP manually for the entry to
see the actual registered hostname. If what I'm seeing over here is
correct, you might be able to fix it by issuing:
ipa host-del "<SPACE>server100.example.com <http://server100.example.com>"
(use quotes when issuing the command).

Then again, it might be a wrong copy+paste.

Yeah, that quoted space sure looks strange. I think this suggestion is good, though I'm not sure how an embedded space could happen.

An ldapsearch might give additional feedback, something like:

$ kinit admin
$ ldapsearch -Y GSSAPI -b cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=com fqdn="*server100*"


On 28 Sep 2016, at 22:15, Jake <free...@jacobdevans.com
<mailto:free...@jacobdevans.com>> wrote:

One of my tech's had an issue adding a machine, now it seems to be stuck.

it can neither be added or removed

-bash-4.2$ ipa host-add server100.example.com <http://example.com> --force
ipa: ERROR: host with name " server100.example.com
<http://example.com>" already exists

-bash-4.2$ ipa host-del server100.example.com <http://example.com>
ipa: ERROR: server100.example.com <http://server100.example.com>: host
not found

IP web client gives this error:

        Operations Error

Some operations failed.
Hide details <https://c05-rd-ipa01.ipa.clarkinc.io/ipa/ui/#>

    server100.example.com <http://server100.example.com>: host not found

Attempts to delete it via webui

        Operations Error

Some entries were not deleted
Hide details <https://c05-rd-ipa01.ipa.clarkinc.io/ipa/ui/#>

    server100.example.com <http://server100.example.com>: host not found

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