On 30/11/16 10:13, David Kupka wrote:
On 29/11/16 12:57, Callum Guy wrote:
Hi Alexander,

I can confirm that I am using version 4.2.0.

The bug link provided mentions that it caused GA to fail to scan the
In my situation it is FreeIPA (or related service) which appears to
fail to
validate codes generated, meaning that only OTP codes generated using
are validated and accepted.

Just for clarity I can confirm that I have only tested OTP codes
and configured via the FreeIPA web interface. I will check the command
generation and let you know if this makes a difference.

Best Regards,


Hello Callum,
I've tried it with FreeIPA 4.3.2 (stock Fedora 24) and FreeOTP. I've
generated 3 OTPs (with sha256, sha384 and sha512) for tuser in the WebUI
and was then able to login into WebUI without problems.

$ ipa otptoken-find --owner tuser --all
3 OTP tokens matched

  Unique ID: 3c899764-7abf-459d-bf2b-7ba4af978a8b
  Type: TOTP
  Owner: tuser
  Key: U5XDN0BYc9KbvG1iYuVPuVHB448=
  Algorithm: sha256
  Digits: 6
  Clock offset: 0
  Clock interval: 30
  ipatokentotpwatermark: 49349880
  objectclass: top, ipatokentotp, ipatoken


  Unique ID: 40ad189b-7b7c-44b9-8450-b3eb78057ef6
  Type: TOTP
  Owner: tuser
  Key: C79y2W+I0z429eRzsRP7qdpROaI=
  Algorithm: sha512
  Digits: 6
  Clock offset: 0
  Clock interval: 30
  ipatokentotpwatermark: 49349882
  objectclass: top, ipatokentotp, ipatoken


  Unique ID: baf6d329-61ad-46f1-beca-6ddb55ba9bb4
  Type: TOTP
  Owner: tuser
  Key: 2hxrsJjQ6e+3qzVPZremtsB/NCg=
  Algorithm: sha384
  Digits: 6
  Clock offset: 0
  Clock interval: 30
  ipatokentotpwatermark: 49349881
  objectclass: top, ipatokentotp, ipatoken

I've tried with Google Authenicator too and was unable to login.

Alexander found issue [1] asking for SHA256 support. From comment on the issue it appear that SHA1 is the only supported hash.

I compared codes generated by oathtool [2] and find out that Google Authenticator just ignores the information about used hash function and uses SHA1 without any error or warning.

So I can only recommend switching to FreeOTP or returning to SHA-1 hash function.

[1] https://github.com/google/google-authenticator-libpam/issues/11
[2] http://www.nongnu.org/oath-toolkit/oathtool.1.html

On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 11:51 AM Alexander Bokovoy <aboko...@redhat.com>

On ti, 29 marras 2016, Callum Guy wrote:
Hi Petr,

Thanks for coming back to me on this.

I have only tried using Google Authenticator. The generated QR code
successfully scans and codes are then generated on the GA device as
The problem is that the codes simply do not work.

My current thinking is that the service which interprets the codes
server-side is not configured to use the same algorithm meaning that
it is
trying to validate sha256/sha512 (both tested and not functional for
etc codes against codes perhaps generated with sha1 (the only algorithm
that appears to work).

I apologise in advance for my naive interpretation of the situation,
really isn't an area where i have experience. I'd love to understand
going on however I can't find what i need in the OTP documentation.
Which IPA version we are talking about? There was a case when the URI
generated by 'ipa otptoken-add' was using a wrong case in the algorithm
value and this was breaking Google Authenticator.


This bug was fixed since 4.1.5 release.

Best Regards,


On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 11:10 AM Petr Vobornik <pvobo...@redhat.com>

On 11/28/2016 01:03 PM, Callum Guy wrote:
Hi All,

I wanted to ask a quick question - perhaps a more experienced user
be able
to help or point me to the correct documentation.

Basically we have implemented password+OTP type authentication which
works great.

When adding a OTP code using the admin login you can choose an
algorithm. For us
the generated codes only work properly if the weakest sha1 algorithm
To be clear the code generation works fine but the codes are not
logging in. Is there a related setting we must change?



What type of otp token do you use? Does it work with some different?
E.g. FreeOTP vs Google Authenticator ...

Petr Vobornik


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/ Alexander Bokovoy

David Kupka

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