On 20/12/2016 08:07, Petr Spacek wrote:
I've tried to clarify things in man pages and on web as well. Please have a
look to changes and let us know if it is better or not, and preferably what
can be improved and in which way

The modified deployment page is here:

Man page changes and changes in description of installer options are here:

Thank you for working on this.

This is getting clearer, but I would like to expand a little more.

(1) This introduces a concept of an "IPA Primary Domain". Is that just the DNS domain which holds the SRV records which point to the realm's kerberos/ldap servers, or does it have any other function? In other words, what other effects would there be from choosing a different IP Primary Domain?

Let me give a specific example.

- IPA server hostname is ipa.foo.example.com
- I want to create kerberos realm BAR.EXAMPLE.COM

Which IPA primary domain should I choose?

The expected place for SRV records for realm BAR.EXAMPLE.COM would be in the DNS under domain bar.example.com. So I'm thinking that "--domain bar.example.com" is the right thing - and can't think why you'd ever want to do anything else.

(2) I'm trying to work out how --domain, --realm, --server and systemhostname influence each other, if one or more is not provided.

For ipa-server-install, testing suggests:

* --domain defaults to the domain part of the system hostname
* --realm defaults to the uppercased --domain
* (--server is obviously itself :-)

For ipa-client-install it seems a bit more complex. Based on the manpage, I believe the sequence is something like this:

* If --domain is not specified, then it's the domain from the system hostname * If --server is not specified, then it hunts for servers based on the --domain (looking in that domain and its parents until suitable SRV records are found) * If --realm is not specified, then it sends a query to the --server(s) to ask what realm they are in

But the manpage says you can specify both --server and --domain:

"Client machine can also be configured without a DNS autodiscovery at all. When both --server and --domain options are used, client installer will use the specified server
       and  domain  directly."

In that case, I can't see what the --domain is used for here, if it's only purpose is to locate servers (and you've already told it which --server to use)



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