---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jeff Goddard <jgodd...@emerlyn.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 8:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] ipa-dnskeysyncd ipa : ERROR Login to LDAP
server failed: {'desc': 'Invalid credentials'}
To: Martin Basti <mba...@redhat.com>

On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 3:43 AM, Martin Basti <mba...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 04.01.2017 22:21, Jeff Goddard wrote:
> I don't want to hijack someone else's thread but I'm having what appears
> to be the same problem and have not seen a solution presented yet.
> Here is the output of journalctl -xe after having tried to start named:
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> reading built-in trusted keys from file '/etc/named.iscdlv.key'
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> using default UDP/IPv4 port range: [1024, 65535]
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> using default UDP/IPv6 port range: [1024, 65535]
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> listening on IPv6 interfaces, port 53
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> listening on IPv4 interface lo,
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> listening on IPv4 interface ens32,
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> generating session key for dynamic DNS
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> sizing zone task pool based on 6 zones
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> set up managed keys zone for view _default, file
> '/var/named/dynamic/managed-keys.bind'
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> bind-dyndb-ldap version 10.0 compiled at 18:06:06 Nov 11 2016, compiler
> 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11)
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> option 'serial_autoincrement' is not supported, ignoring
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> GSSAPI client step 1
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> GSSAPI client step 1
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com ns-slapd[2596]:
> GSSAPI server step 1
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> GSSAPI client step 1
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com ns-slapd[2596]:
> GSSAPI server step 2
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> GSSAPI client step 2
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com ns-slapd[2596]:
> GSSAPI server step 3
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> LDAP error: Invalid credentials: bind to LDAP server failed
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> couldn't establish connection in LDAP connection pool: permission denied
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> dynamic database 'ipa' configuration failed: permission denied
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> loading configuration: permission denied
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com named-pkcs11[3948]:
> exiting (due to fatal error)
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com systemd[1]:
> named-pkcs11.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com systemd[1]: Failed
> to start Berkeley Internet Name Domain (DNS) with native PKCS#11.
> -- Subject: Unit named-pkcs11.service has failed
> -- Defined-By: systemd
> -- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
> --
> -- Unit named-pkcs11.service has failed.
> --
> -- The result is failed.
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com systemd[1]: Unit
> named-pkcs11.service entered failed state.
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com systemd[1]:
> named-pkcs11.service failed.
> Jan 04 15:48:42 id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com polkitd[949]:
> Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:3936:380486 (system bus
> name :1.59, object path /org/freedesktop/Policy
> Here are the last four entries of /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-*/access |grep
> ipa-dnskeysyncdcat:
> [04/Jan/2017:15:28:37.463224739 -0500] conn=5 op=1129 SRCH
> base="dc=internal,dc=emerlyn,dc=com" scope=2
> filter="(&(|(objectClass=krbprincipalaux)(objectClass=krbpri
> ncipal)(objectClass=ipakrbprincipal))(|(ipaKrbPrincipalAlias
> =ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com
> )(krbPrincipalName:caseIgnoreIA5Match:=ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-
> 2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com)))" attrs="krbPrincipalName
> krbCanonicalName krbUPEnabled krbPrincipalKey krbTicketPolicyReference
> krbPrincipalExpiration krbPasswordExpiration krbPwdPolicyReference
> krbPrincipalType krbPwdHistory krbLastPwdChange krbPrincipalAliases
> krbLastSuccessfulAuth krbLastFailedAuth krbLoginFailedCount
> krbPrincipalAuthInd krbExtraData krbLastAdminUnlock krbObjectReferences
> krbTicketFlags krbMaxTicketLife krbMaxRenewableAge nsAccountLock
> passwordHistory ipaKrbAuthzData ipaUserAuthType ipatokenRadiusConfigLink
> objectClass"
> [04/Jan/2017:15:28:37.464739661 -0500] conn=5 op=1133 SRCH
> base="krbprincipalname=ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-2.inter
> nal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com,cn=services,cn=accounts
> ,dc=internal,dc=emerlyn,dc=com" scope=0 filter="(objectClass=*)"
> attrs="objectClass uid cn fqdn gidNumber krbPrincipalName krbCanonicalName
> krbTicketPolicyReference krbPrincipalExpiration krbPasswordExpiration
> krbPwdPolicyReference krbPrincipalType krbLastPwdChange krbPrincipalAliases
> krbLastSuccessfulAuth krbLastFailedAuth krbLoginFailedCount
> krbLastAdminUnlock krbTicketFlags ipaNTSecurityIdentifier ipaNTLogonScript
> ipaNTProfilePath ipaNTHomeDirectory ipaNTHomeDirectoryDrive"
> [04/Jan/2017:15:28:37.465851372 -0500] conn=5 op=1134 MOD
> dn="krbprincipalname=ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-2.interna
> l.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com,cn=services,cn=accounts,d
> c=internal,dc=emerlyn,dc=com"
> [04/Jan/2017:15:28:37.474974775 -0500] conn=6 op=1372 SRCH
> base="dc=internal,dc=emerlyn,dc=com" scope=2
> filter="(&(|(objectClass=krbprincipalaux)(objectClass=krbpri
> ncipal))(krbPrincipalName=ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-2.in
> ternal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com))" attrs="krbPrincipalName
> krbCanonicalName krbUPEnabled krbPrincipalKey krbTicketPolicyReference
> krbPrincipalExpiration krbPasswordExpiration krbPwdPolicyReference
> krbPrincipalType krbPwdHistory krbLastPwdChange krbPrincipalAliases
> krbLastSuccessfulAuth krbLastFailedAuth krbLoginFailedCount
> krbPrincipalAuthInd krbExtraData krbLastAdminUnlock krbObjectReferences
> krbTicketFlags krbMaxTicketLife krbMaxRenewableAge nsAccountLock
> passwordHistory ipaKrbAuthzData ipaUserAuthType ipatokenRadiusConfigLink
> objectClass"
> [04/Jan/2017:15:28:37.482436172 -0500] conn=281 op=2 RESULT err=0 tag=97
> nentries=0 etime=0 dn="krbprincipalname=ipa-dnskeysyncd/
> id-management-2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com
> ,cn=services,cn=accounts,dc=internal,dc=emerlyn,dc=com"
> My environment:
> Freeipa 4.2.0
> OS is Centos 7.2
> This is a secondary replica (master) and the other replica can be pinged
> but nslookup and dig fail to provide results even though the values are in
> the /etc/hosts file:
>   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4
> localhost4.localdomain4
> ::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6
> localhost6.localdomain6
> id-management-1.internal.emerlyn.com
> id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com
> Any assistance is in solving this would be greatly appreciated and thanks
> for both the great product and the support already provided.
> Jeff
> Hello,
> what contains the  /etc/sysconfig/dirsrv file
> can you kinit as DNS?
> kinit -kt /etc/named.keytab DNS/$HOSTNAME
> Martin^2
> The kinit -kt /etc/named.keytab DNS/$HOSTNAME command returns nothing
Here is the requested file output:

# This file is sourced by dirsrv upon startup to set
# the default environment for all directory server instances.
# To set instance specific defaults, use the file in the same
# directory called dirsrv-instance where "instance"
# is the name of your directory server instance e.g.
# dirsrv-localhost for the slapd-localhost instance.

# This file is in systemd EnvironmentFile format - see man systemd.exec

# In order to make more file descriptors available
# to the directory server, first make sure the system
# hard limits are raised, then use ulimit - uncomment
# out the following line and change the value to the
# desired value
# ulimit -n 8192
# note - if using systemd, ulimit won't work -  you must edit
# the systemd unit file for directory server to add the
# LimitNOFILE option - see man systemd.exec for more info

# A per instance keytab does not make much sense for servers.
# Kerberos clients use the machine FQDN to obtain a ticket like ldap/FQDN,
# is nothing that can make a client understand how to get a per-instance
# Therefore by default a keytab should be considered a per server option.

# Also this file is sourced for all instances, so again all
# instances would ultimately get the same keytab.

# Finally a keytab is normally named either krb5.keytab or <service>.keytab

# In order to use SASL/GSSAPI (Kerberos) the directory
# server needs to know where to find its keytab
# file - uncomment the following line and set
# the path and filename appropriately
# if using systemd, omit the "; export VARNAME" at the end

# how many seconds to wait for the startpid file to show
# up before we assume there is a problem and fail to start
# if using systemd, omit the "; export VARNAME" at the end
# how many seconds to wait for the pid file to show
# up before we assume there is a problem and fail to start
# if using systemd, omit the "; export VARNAME" at the end
#PID_TIME=600 ; export PID_TIME

I tried to re-install (ipa-install-dns) and here is the install log. I
highlighted in red below where I think the problem may be coming from.

2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Saving StateFile to
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Saving StateFile to
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG   [4/8]: setting up kerberos principal
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG args=kadmin.local -q addprinc -randkey DNS/
id-management-2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com -x
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG stdout=Authenticating as principal admin/
ad...@internal.emerlyn.com with password.

2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG stderr=WARNING: no policy specified for DNS/
id-management-2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com; defaulting to no
add_principal: Principal or policy already exists while creating "DNS/

2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Backing up system configuration file
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Saving Index File to
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG args=kadmin.local -q ktadd -k /etc/named.keytab
DNS/id-management-2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com -x
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG stdout=Authenticating as principal admin/
ad...@internal.emerlyn.com with password.
Entry for principal DNS/id-management-2.internal.e
merlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type
aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/named.keytab.
Entry for principal DNS/id-management-2.internal.e
merlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type
aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/named.keytab.
Entry for principal DNS/id-management-2.internal.e
merlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type des3-cbc-sha1
added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/named.keytab.
Entry for principal DNS/id-management-2.internal.e
merlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type arcfour-hmac
added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/named.keytab.
Entry for principal DNS/id-management-2.internal.e
merlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type
camellia128-cts-cmac added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/named.keytab.
Entry for principal DNS/id-management-2.internal.e
merlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type
camellia256-cts-cmac added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/named.keytab.

2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG stderr=
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG   [5/8]: setting up named.conf
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG Saving StateFile to
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG   [6/8]: setting up server configuration
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG flushing
from SchemaCache
2017-01-05T13:13:47Z DEBUG retrieving schema for SchemaCache
conn=<ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject instance at 0x4c48440>
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG raw: dnsserver_add(u'id-management-
2.internal.emerlyn.com', idnssoamname=<DNS name
id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com.>, version=u'2.213')
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG dnsserver_add(u'id-management-
2.internal.emerlyn.com', idnssoamname=<DNS name
id-management-2.internal.emerlyn.com.>, all=False, raw=False,
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG raw: dnsserver_mod(u'id-management-
2.internal.emerlyn.com', idnsforwarders=[u''],
idnsforwardpolicy=u'only', version=u'2.213')
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG dnsserver_mod(u'id-management-
2.internal.emerlyn.com', idnsforwarders=(u'',),
idnsforwardpolicy=u'only', rights=False, all=False, raw=False,
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Saving StateFile to
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG   [7/8]: configuring named to start on boot
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG args=/bin/systemctl disable named-pkcs11.service
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG stdout=
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG stderr=
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG service DNS startup entry already enabled
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG args=/bin/systemctl stop named.service
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG stdout=
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG stderr=
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG args=/bin/systemctl mask named.service
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG stdout=
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG stderr=Created symlink from
/etc/systemd/system/named.service to /dev/null.

2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG   [8/8]: changing resolv.conf to point to
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Done configuring DNS (named).
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG args=/bin/systemctl stop ipa-dnskeysyncd.service
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG stdout=
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG stderr=
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Configuring DNS key synchronization service
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG   [1/7]: checking status
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG flushing
from SchemaCache
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG retrieving schema for SchemaCache
conn=<ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject instance at 0x4eb2c20>
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Saving StateFile to
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG   [2/7]: setting up bind-dyndb-ldap working
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG   [3/7]: setting up kerberos principal
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Removing service keytab:
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG args=kadmin.local -q addprinc -randkey
-x ipa-setup-override-restrictions
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG stdout=Authenticating as principal admin/
ad...@internal.emerlyn.com with password.

2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG stderr=WARNING: no policy specified for
defaulting to no policy
add_principal: Principal or policy already exists while creating

2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:48Z DEBUG args=kadmin.local -q ktadd -k
/etc/ipa/dnssec/ipa-dnskeysyncd.keytab ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-
2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com -x
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG stdout=Authenticating as principal admin/
ad...@internal.emerlyn.com with password.
Entry for principal ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-
2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type
aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/ipa/dnssec/ipa-dns
Entry for principal ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-
2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type
aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/ipa/dnssec/ipa-dns
Entry for principal ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-
2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type
des3-cbc-sha1 added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/ipa/dnssec/ipa-dnskeysyncd.keytab.
Entry for principal ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-
2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type
arcfour-hmac added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/ipa/dnssec/ipa-dnskeysyncd.keytab.
Entry for principal ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-
2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type
camellia128-cts-cmac added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/ipa/dnssec/ipa-dns
Entry for principal ipa-dnskeysyncd/id-management-
2.internal.emerlyn....@internal.emerlyn.com with kvno 7, encryption type
camellia256-cts-cmac added to keytab WRFILE:/etc/ipa/dnssec/ipa-dns

2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG stderr=
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG   [4/7]: setting up SoftHSM
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG Creating new softhsm config file
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG   [5/7]: adding DNSSEC containers
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG flushing
from SchemaCache
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG retrieving schema for SchemaCache
conn=<ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject instance at 0x4ec9998>
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z INFO DNSSEC container exists (step skipped)
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG   [6/7]: creating replica keys
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG Creating replica's key pair
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG Storing replica public key to LDAP,
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG flushing
from SchemaCache
2017-01-05T13:13:49Z DEBUG retrieving schema for SchemaCache
conn=<ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject instance at 0x4eb2830>
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Replica public key stored
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Setting CKA_WRAP=False for old replica keys
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Changing ownership of token files
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG   [7/7]: configuring ipa-dnskeysyncd to start on
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG args=/bin/systemctl disable
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG stdout=
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG stderr=
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG service DNSKeySync startup entry already enabled
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG   duration: 0 seconds
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Done configuring DNS key synchronization service
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG args=/bin/systemctl restart
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG stdout=
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG stderr=
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG args=/bin/systemctl is-active
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG stdout=active

2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG stderr=
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Restarting named
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Loading StateFile from
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG args=/bin/systemctl restart named-pkcs11.service
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=1
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG stdout=
2017-01-05T13:13:50Z DEBUG stderr=Job for named-pkcs11.service failed
because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status
named-pkcs11.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

Thank you for assisting.


Looping in the rest of the previous recipients

Jeff Goddard
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