On 01/24/17 12:57, thierry bordaz wrote:
> If I understand correctly the iterations of development I do not understand 
> why, at this point, you need to reconnect ipabak.
> After you create ipabak replica, you take a snapshot of it (let ipabak_0), 
> then disconnect it from ipa1/ipa2.
> Then you may start incremental dev of the script on the offline ipabak.
> Before each test of the script, you just need to get ipabak to ipabak_0.
> Am I missing something ?

ipa1 is not idle while the script is in development. I do not
know if these conflicting entries pop up in some new entries
on ipa1 while the script is in development. When the script
seems to be ready, then I have to verify it with very recent
copy of the database before the final run.

>> When the script appears to be ready I have to revert and sync
>> ipabak again as above, but instead of disconnecting it from the
>> network I have to stop all ipa servers in parallel to take a
>> snapshot of each. (All ipa servers are LXC containers.) Next
>> start the ipa servers again and run the script on ipabak, now
>> connected with ipa1. This should make the changes "official".
> How do you know if the script is ready ? When it resolves all the conflict 
> entries ?

Hopefully yes, but there were 2 conflicts that already made some

        deleting entry 
        ldap_delete: Server is unwilling to perform (53)
                additional info: Deleting a managed entry is not allowed. It 
needs to be manually unlinked first.

        deleting entry 
        ldap_delete: Operations error (1)

I got these problems before I became more careful with this.


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