Hey Matt,

I noticed one or two minor nits, but I can fix em.  I guess I am only
perplexed by this design choice.  It seems you want to have two threads.
One thread does normal IPMI regularly, and the other thread will wait
for the SMS_ATN bit.  It appears that _ipmi_kcs_get_status() is the only
place that the SMS_ATN bit is checked, so you need to be doing some type
of other KCS in order to ever check for it?

Perhaps it'd be better to just have a function that regularly polls the
SMS_ATN bit, and if it is true, return to the user??  Perhaps something

poll_sms_atn(unsigned int poll_interval, unsigned int max_iterations)
  while (count <= max_iterations)
      if (sms_atn bit set)
      sleep (poll_interval);



On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 08:27 -0800, Matt Jerdonek wrote:
> Please give the attached patch a look.  Since you two didn't like the
> idea of a callback, I created an API to wait for an event and a second
> API to cancel the wait.  Basically the application will be responsible
> for creating a thread which invokes the API.  The API will block the
> application's thread until an event occurs.  The application will be
> responsible for issuing a GET MESSAGE FLAGS command once the thread
> unblocks.
> I had to use a semaphore to block the thread, so I made some small
> changes to ipmi-semaphores.c as well.
> Note: this compiles, but I didn't try to run it yet.  My customer has
> not yet sent me the hardware with the KCS interface, so I don't have
> hardware to exercise the code.  
> Thanks again for your consideration,
> -Matt
Albert Chu
Computer Scientist
High Performance Systems Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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