Hi Chris,

Hmmm.  I'm not really sure how we could/should do that.  Perhaps some
other option would tell the script to create/remove the prefix before
passing it up to ganglia?


On Tue, 2010-12-21 at 10:52 -0800, Christopher Maestas wrote:
> Any thought given to translating the hostlist from the management
> processor name to a real device name?  For example:
>       * device name is mp-cn[1-2] and hostname is cn[1-2]
> ./ganglia_ipmimonitoring.pl -D -d -h mp-cn[1-2] | sed -e 's/mp-//g'
> but I don't think that will do what I want ...
Albert Chu
Computer Scientist
High Performance Systems Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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