I have an Asrock Rack C2750D4I with ipmi

My experience with using it has been exclusively through the webGUI and the java applet they provide to access console output over the LAN.

Unfortunately, for some reason I cannot figure out, the webGUI now fails to respond. An arp-scan showed it stil had an ip on the network so I googled around and found this project. Sure enough, I can access it with ipmi-config and see the setup.

I am primarily trying to establish an SOL connection to monitor reboots when I do server upgrades.

As a bonus, it would be nice to get the webGUI back, or at least disable it and use only freeipmi.

So far I have tried ipmiconsole and it says

[SOL established]

but nothing else.

I have added

SERIAL 0 38400

to my syslinux config on my laptop to enable serial console.

The SOL_Conf section on the server reads as follows:

Section SOL_Conf
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Enable_SOL                                    Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        SOL_Privilege_Level                           User
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Force_SOL_Payload_Authentication              No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Force_SOL_Payload_Encryption                  No
        ## Give a non-zero valid integer. Each unit is 5ms
        Character_Accumulate_Interval                 12
        ## Give a valid number
        Character_Send_Threshold                      96
        ## Give a valid integer
        SOL_Retry_Count                               7
        ## Give a valid integer. Interval unit is 10ms
        SOL_Retry_Interval                            50
        ## Possible values: Serial/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200
        Non_Volatile_Bit_Rate                         38400
        ## Possible values: Serial/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200
        Volatile_Bit_Rate                             38400
        ## Give a valid port number
        ## SOL_Payload_Port_Number                    623

I am not sure if it is enabled in the server BIOS as I currently do not have a way to access it. If it was working in the webGUI, would that imply that it IS turned on in the BIOS?

Is there anything I am missing that I should be doing to get this to work?

I'm sorry to be so vague, I am very much flying blind here and am only trying freeipmi for the first time today.

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