Hi Daryl,

On Tue, 2021-07-20 at 14:02 +0000, Daryl Lautenschlager wrote:
> I have two questions about bmc-info.
> 1.       There is a linux command bmc-info and a freeipmi command
> bmc-info.   When I issue the command is it the linux command or the
> freeipmi command.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "a linux command".  Many Linux
distributions distribute FreeIPMI, so there's a very good chance the
FreeIPMI bmc-info is the one that comes with your Linux distro.  Of the
major open source IPMI projects I know of, FreeIPMI is the only one
that has a "bmc-info" tool.  I can't say if a vendor has implemented a

> 2.       I am using c code for my software, so I use the c code
> system command to issue the bmc-info command.    The target system is
> a SuperMicro  Product ID 2332.   If I issue the bmc-info command from
> the script I get a return code of
> ipmi_ctx_open_outofband_2_0:internal error.    If I issue the same
> command manually from a terminal it completes successfully.   To
> complicate things,   the script works without problems on the target
> system in my lab, however on a customer system which is an identical
> setup it fails.

The "internal error" could be a multitude of problems, typically
related to system specific errors.  Can you provide a debug dump trace?


> Do you have any information on what might be causing this.
> Daryl Lautenschlager
> Engineering Analyst
> [liquidcool]
> 507-535-5835
> daryl.lautenschla...@liquidcoolsolutions.com<mailto:
> daryl.lautenschla...@liquidcoolsolutions.com>
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