In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Simon Byrnand  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Check out the program 'sac' from
>I looked long and hard before I found this program :) It is very flexible
>and should do what you want. It will parse either radius detail files, or
>alternatively the radwtmp. (Most people say dont trust radwtmp, but I've
>found it more accurate in my particular case, after adding up times by hand
>to double check the results)

If that is the case, then the 'sac' program you're using is  buggy.

The radwtmp file and the detail files are written at the same time,
with the same info. The difference is that a lot of data is left out
in the radwtmp file (it's incomplete) and if some accounting packets
get dropped or arrive in the wrong order there will be corrupt or
missing entries in the radwtmp file.

That could be fix to a certain extent by only writing radwtmp entries
(both start and stop) at the arrival of a STOP packet. Disadvantage
would be that active entries wouldn't be show as (still logged in).

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