I am totally new to RADIUS.  I just downloaded the latest version of
FreeRadius and installed it on one of our machines.  After I started 
the RADIUS daemon by running radiusd in /usr/local/sbin, the 7 radiusd 
processes seemed to be always in the idle state.  The following is the 
display from running ps.

> ps aux | fgrep rad
root     23354  0.0  1.2 12984 1620 ?        S    Aug08   0:00 radiusd
root     23355  0.0  1.2 12984 1620 ?        S    Aug08   0:00 radiusd
root     23356  0.0  1.2 12984 1620 ?        S    Aug08   0:00 radiusd
root     23357  0.0  1.2 12984 1620 ?        S    Aug08   0:00 radiusd
root     23358  0.0  1.2 12984 1620 ?        S    Aug08   0:00 radiusd
root     23359  0.0  1.2 12984 1620 ?        S    Aug08   0:00 radiusd
root     23360  0.0  1.2 12984 1620 ?        S    Aug08   0:00 radiusd

> ps axl | fgrep rad
140     0 23354     1   0   0 12984 1620 do_sel S    ?          0:00 radiusd
040     0 23355 23354   0   0 12984 1620 do_pol S    ?          0:00 radiusd
040     0 23356 23355   0   0 12984 1620 rt_sig S    ?          0:00 radiusd
040     0 23357 23355   0   0 12984 1620 rt_sig S    ?          0:00 radiusd
040     0 23358 23355   0   0 12984 1620 rt_sig S    ?          0:00 radiusd
040     0 23359 23355   0   0 12984 1620 rt_sig S    ?          0:00 radiusd
040     0 23360 23355   0   0 12984 1620 rt_sig S    ?          0:00 radiusd

When I ran radtest or radclient, it always said "no response from server".  
I am not sure if the server is running incorrectly, or the configurations 
weren't setup properly.

Would someone with more experience give me a pointer?  Thanks a lot!

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