daniel malmkvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a reqular acct-status-type = stop (2), everything works fine, looks 
> like this:
> When sending the same attributes to the server except changing 
> acct-status-type= 3, i get the following:
> radius_xlat:  'UPDATE radacct SET FramedIPAddress = '', AcctSessionTime 
> = '100', AcctOutputOctets = '600'  WHERE AcctSessionId = '' AND UserName 
> = '' AND NASIPAddress= '''
> make note that there is no username?? why is that?

  Let me guess:  The NAS is not sending the User-Name attribute in the
radius packet.

> I'm using freradius v 0.1, doesn't it support RFC 2869 Radius 
> Extensions? Is it only v 0.2 that supports RFC 2869?

  RFC2869 is supported, but not completely.

  Alan DeKok.

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