On Tue, 2 Oct 2001 at 10:26 (-0400), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Robert Divko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How can I use a different passwd/shadow file combo
> > than the system file for User Authentication in freeradius-02?
>   You can't.  I don't thenk even the latest CVS snapshot allows for
> that.

The current CVS allows you to specify a different passwd, shadow and
group file.  The group was made to work yesterday, but the rest had
been working prior to that.  I have been using that feature for a
little while now.  The group changes are still fairly new so may not
be the most stable, but have been working in a production environment
for close to 18 hours.


Michael J. Hartwick, VE3SLQ                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hartwick Communications Consulting                      (519) 396-7719
Kincardine, ON, CA                             http://www.hartwick.com

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