Title: RE: Why radwho core dumped?

First of all I'd like to thank you for the enormous amount of work you're putting into freeradius.
Not only in programming and bugfixing, but also in replying to questions and panic mails on the list.
It's good to see a project being so alive for a change.

However, I'm getting more and more amazed by the amount of sarcasm you put into your replies. I can imagine it becomes somewhat tiresome to answer the same (damn) questions over and over again, but please do keep in mind: most of us get scared when things go even as far as editing a makefile or using ldd and the likes.

Fact is: most people are used to things like rpm's or maybe a (./configure:make:make install) with their eyes closed, expecting instant success.

I for one never even heard of 'GDB'. Freeradius is great, but it does suffer a lot from lack of organized docs / pointers to them. That makes it scary the first time you try to get it to work :)

Just needed to point that out. Keep up the good work please,


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Verzonden: woensdag 3 oktober 2001 16:30
Onderwerp: Re: Why radwho core dumped?

"Sergey V. Sichevsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Solaris 7
> /opt/local/sbin > radwho
> Memory fault - core dumped

  So use GDB to see what the problem is.

  I don't have access to your machine, so I can't tell what's going on, sorry.

  Alan DeKok.

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