I am confused by the accounting methods of this software.  I am using this
program to proxy requests to other radius servers based upon
callingstation-id.  This is working great now, however the accounting
records by the syntax of the example in acct_users show that it sends a copy
of the records only to one realm??  I am confused by this.  I would like the
accounting to be copied to what ever realm is "used" by that customer.  If
done by NAS-IP-Address like this looks like you can only copy accounting
records to one proxy server.

I guess I don't understand what to put in here to get my desired result.

# ISP 1

DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address ==, Replicate-To-Realm := "isp1.com"

# ISP 2

DEFAULT NAS-IP-Address ==, Replicate-To-Realm := "isp2.com"

If the records are coming from the same NAS how to I get them to replicate
to both realms?  Would I have to query off calledstation id instead?



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