I am a user of FreeRADIUS ,I downloaded FreeRADIUS 0.3 and intalled it under
RedHat 7.2 successfully. I also installed Oracle 8i(8.1.7) server and client  for 
Linux successfully under the same PC.
I want the FreeRADIUS support Oracle SQL authentication,and how can I do?
I know the fils (RADDB=/usr/local/etc/raddb) $RADDB/radiusd.conf,$RADDB/sql.conf must 
be configured,I want to know the details.
As I sayed above,my system is RedHat7.2+Oracle 8i(8.1.7)+FreeRADIUS 0.3,
when I finished configuring the files in $RADDB,how to provide the interface to Oracle 
server? I think maybe appoint the directory of Oracle 8i library,right?
Can anyone tell me the all details I should do?
Thanks a lot.


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