
I am running free radius 1.6.4 on Red Hat Linux which gets authentication
requests from  Cisco Ras 2621.Now i want to  restrict access through a
particular phone number (Calling-Station-Id)?? I have given the following
entry in /etc/raddb/users file

john    Password = "john123" , Calling-Station-Id = "1234" 
        Service-Type = "Framed-User",
        Framed-Protocol = PPP

According to this john should be able to login only if he dials from phone
no 1234 ..but this doesnt happen .it allows irrespective of the number.
I am not sure whether my NAS(Cisco 2621) sends this attribute to the
Radius server..i have enabled the caller-id from the telco side..
how do i find whethere my cisco 2621 is sending the attribute..Is it
VENDOR SPECIFIC..I have checked all the logs /var/log/radius.log ,
/var/log/radacct/nas/detail ..but there is no mention of the phone number
what else should i configure in the Cisco router

Any help would be greatful

Thanks in advance

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