Brandon Saunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am testing my wireless access point against a test freeradius server 
> complied with the EAP module.  I am using the UNIX user files as the 
> authentication source.  When a client tries to authenticate, the access 
> point sends the EAP message encapsulated in RADIUS.

  Right now, the server only supports EAP-MD5.

  You'll have to do PAP authentication to authenticate against

  If you're using the radius 'users' file, then EAP-MD5 should work.

>  The RADIUS server 
> should then do a challenge and respond, but nothing is sent back but and 
> access reject.  Upon looking at the log files, it appears that the server 
> is trying to do the authentication without the password.  I get log lines 
> that look like:
> Fri Dec 28 10:51:51 2001 : Auth: Login incorrect: [test/<no Password 
> attribute>] (from nas HDLwireless port 29 cli 004096501888)

  You haven't configured it to use EAP for authentication.

  Configuring EAP in 'radiusd.conf' *allows* the server to use EAP,
but it does not tell the server which requests get authenticated via
EAP, and which do not.
> Anyone have any ideas why the challenge and respond is getting sent back?
> I know EAP support is still in development, could this be a bug?
> Do I have something setup wrong?  I will send out my configuration file if 
> anyone thinks it will be of help.

  Search the list archives for a message on getting EAP working.
> I am currently just working with EAP-MD5.  Has anyone considered 
> implementing EAP-TTLS?

  It's a lot of work.

> I am also interested in running freeradius on Alpha/Tru64.  I appears to 
> compile OK, but I am having some linking problems.

  Then do:

./configure --disable-shared

  Alan DeKok.

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