"Bartschies, Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> seems that this Parser has some Problems. I'm using Full-Day
> abbreviations like 'wk','tu' and so on. Some work, some not.

  That's bad...

> Seems that every time more than 6 Days are involved, the routine just
> fails. If I understand the README correctly, all of these combinations are
> possible.
> Does anyone has a solution? BTW. I'm using freeradius-0.4 here.

  Have you looked at the Cistron code to parse this attribute?  While
much of FreeRADIUS is based on Cistron, Cistron may have had some bug
fixes we've missed.

  I think you can also go to 'src/main/timestr.c', and compile it as a
stand-along program.  You can then feed it strings, and poke at it
until it works...

  Alan DeKok.

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