Hi Again all,
I have been working on getting the Filter-Id attribute to work.
Here is what I have. A portmaster 2e ComOS version 3.5 I am trying to get filter-id to work for me with freeradius using mysql. Authentications and realms work fine and when running radius in debug (-xxyz) I see that the filter-id attribute is passed as below:
Login OK: [user/pass] (from nas analog port 7)
Sending Access-Accept of id 19 to w.x.y.z:1026
    Service-Type = Framed-User
    Framed-Protocol = PPP
    Filter-Id = "test.in"
Finished request 17
The filter is saved as test.in and it has only one rule: deny port 80 but when I login - I still get web stuff :-(
Any thoughts about what I might be doing wrong?
Thanks In Advance,

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