On Mon, 11 Feb 2002, Andrew Kelaidis wrote:

> I have installed the latest snapshot of freeRadius and I am using mySQL for
> AAA. I would also like to limit the online time for all users. Here is a
> part of my radiusd.conf file:
> ........
> counter {
>                 filename = ${raddbdir}/db.counter
>                 key = User-Name
>                 count-attribute = Acct-Session-Time
>                 reset = daily
>                 counter-name = Daily-Session-Time
>                 check-name = Max-Daily-Session-Time
>                 allowed-servicetype = Framed-User
>                 cache-size = 5000
>         }
> I have also inserted a "counter" into Authorization, Accounting parts of the
> file. In radius database I have these records for the counter:
> Username   Attribute              Value  op
> --------------------------------------------
> UserName   Daily-Session-Time    120     >
> UserName   Auth-Type             Reject  =
> --------------------------------------------
> I start radius with "-X" and when a user calls in I receive these messages
> about counter:
>            modcall: entering group authorize
>            rlm_counter: Entering module authorize code
>            rlm_counter: Could not find Check item value pair
>            modcall[authorize]: module "counter" returns noop
> The Accounting procedure returns ok. I can't understand what I do wrong.
> Please help

You can do one of the following:

1. Remove the counter from the authorize section and leave it in the accounting
section. The check for the Daily-Session-Time is based on a compare function
registered from the counter module and not on the authorize function provided by
the module.

2. Add a Max-Daily-Session-Time check item in the db like this:

UserName  Max-Daily-Session-Time    120   = (you could also use the := operator)

and leave the counter in the authorize section.

Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 10 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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