AARGH.  First post and I hit the wrong keys and send the email before I'm
ready.  Grumble.  Stupid fingers.

FreeRadius-0.4 breaks compatibility with Solaris running YP in compatibility
mode, by changing the when shadow password lookups are performed using the
system call getspnam().

I have attached two patches:

The first attached patch adds a bunch of debugging to rlm_unix's shadow
password section (about line 510), and changes the code's style to allow for
such debugging, and adds a kludge to workaround Solaris NIS/YP running with
shadow passwords.  It is rlm_unix.c.patch.

The 2nd patch is a proper fix to the problem using strspn() to determine if
the returned password contains any characters not in the set
"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789./$".  $ is
included because it is required by MD5 and SHA password hashing systems.

When Solaris 2.5+ is running in YP compatibility mode with shadow passwords
enabled on the YP server, the clients expect to see ##userid in the password
field.  The most important bit is the client must see ## as the first two
characters to trigger the shadow lookup.

I have not looked at the coding style guide, nor have I verified in any
other way that these patches are:
    - safe to use
    - cleanly apply to the source tree
    - have no negative impact on execution on non-solaris machines or
machines with MD5 or SHA passwords
    - don't break other things

>From my first email, which is no longer relevant, but because my fingers
'slipped' on alt-enter... as while writing my original email I went off and
fixed the problem in a better manner:

I might suggest that the decision logic as to whether to look at the shadow
file should be different than it is -- any invalid character in the first
two characters cause the shadow (getspnam) function to be called.

>From crypt(3C) on Solaris:

     The key argument points to a string to be encoded (for exam-
     ple,  the user's password.)  Only the first eight characters
     are used; the rest are ignored. The salt is a  two-character
     string  chosen  from  the set [a-zA-Z0-9./].  This string is
     used to perturb the hashing algorithm in one  of  4096  dif-
     ferent ways.

I suggest therefore that the presence of anything other than these
characters cause an error.  The only notable exception is $, used by MD5 and


Roy Hooper
Project Manager & Senior UNIX Consultant
Decisive Technologies, Inc.

Attachment: rlm_unix.c.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: rlm_unix.c.patch2
Description: Binary data

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