
I tried to setup freeradius to proxy based on prefix and suffix the 
same time, where prefix has preference. There are accounts like:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (should go to isp 1)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (should go to GRIC)
username (should go to our own radiusd on another machine)

In radiusd.conf i've:

authorize {
preacct {

In proxy.conf i've:

realm isp1 {
# for isp 1
     type            = radius
     authhost        = x.x.x.x:1812
     accthost        = x.x.x.x:1813
     secret          = xyz

realm NULL {
# own radius-server
     type            = radius
     authhost        = y.y.y.y:1812
     accthost        = y.y.y.y:1813
     secret          = xyz

realm DEFAULT {
# for GRIC
     type            = radius
     authhost        = z.z.z.z:1812
     accthost        = z.z.z.z:1813
     secret          = xyz

The users-file is empty, because all authentication should by done 
be other radius-servers.

The problem is now, that like above only isp1 and our own 
accounts are working, but not GRIC. 

He are the log entries when dialing in with a GRIC-account:

modcall: entering group authorize
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok
  rlm_realm: Proxying request from user [EMAIL PROTECTED] to 
realm NULL
  modcall[authorize]: module "realmslash" returns updated
  rlm_realm: Proxying request from user username to realm 
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns updated
  modcall[authorize]: module "files" returns notfound
modcall: group authorize returns updated
Sending Access-Request of id 4 to y.y.y.y:1812

So far as i understood this log the realm has been set to 
DEFAULT. But Access-Request gets sent to our own radius-server 
anyway, and not to the GRIC-servers.

If i change radiusd.conf to put suffix before realmslash (which 
shouldn't be correct i think), then GRIC and our own accounts are 
working, but isp1 no longer. Then the requests for ISP1 are getting 
sent to our own server and not to ISP1.

And ideas? What did i wrong?

A second point:
To overcome the problem above myself i removed the prefix-
checking from radiusd.conf, so that only suffix-checking remains, 
and put a entry in the users-file like

DEFAULT User-Name =~ "^isp1/", proxy-to-realm := "isp1"
       Fall-Through = No

for doing the prefix check.

No i was happy first, because authentication works now for all 
three login-types. But in the case of isp1 only authentication is 
correct, but accounting not. Accounting records are not sent to 
isp1 but to the default-server, which is the wrong one. 

Does the "proxy-to-realm" only change authentication but not 

Thanks for any help!


Bernd Sontheimer                       phone  +49 7361 93810
Sontheimer Datentechnik GmbH           fax   +49 7361 938181
Ulmer Str. 130                       e-Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
73431 Aalen, Germany                      http://www.sdt.net

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