On Thu, Mar 28, 2002 at 11:56:32PM -0500, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Fduch the Pravking <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > We have freeradius-0.5 doing only proxy.
> > And the problem is:
> > when radius receives Access-Reject packet from remote server,
> > it proxies it back to the NAS without any attributes,
> > Reply-Message in particular.
>   Read the RFC's.  That's how RADIUS is *supposed* to work.

I've found nothing in RFC 2865 about any restrictions
for Access-Reject but this:

   If any condition is not met, the RADIUS server sends an "Access-
   Reject" response indicating that this user request is invalid.  If
   desired, the server MAY include a text message in the Access-Reject
   which MAY be displayed by the client to the user.  No other
   Attributes (except Proxy-State) are permitted in an Access-Reject.

So, Reply-Message MAY be present in Access-Reject,
and it is PRESENT in the packet from remote server,
but is not being sent back to NAS by this proxy radius.

Correct me if I wrong, please.

Here is a bug, I think, and it comes from delaying
the Access-Reject:

On Thu, Mar 28, 2002 at 09:42:48AM -0600, Chris Parker wrote:
> At 06:18 PM 3/28/2002 +0300, Fduch the Pravking wrote:
> >And what does "Delaying request 91752 for 1 seconds" mean?
> It's a throttling feature.  Some radius clients can cause what amounts
> to a DOS by repeatedly requesting authentication for failed users.  IE,
> user gets rejected, nas sends another request, user gets rejected, nas
> sends another request.  This was for a PPPoE/DSL authetication, so it
> was instantaneous.  A configurable delay before sending the Reject
> back to the NAS allows the server to effectively throttle the rate at
> which that type of NAS can hammer it with requests.  If you set it to
> zero, it disables the delay all-together.
> This is in the 'security' section of the 'radiusd.conf' file.

Sorry, Chris, I'm slightly blind :)

When I set reject_delay = 0 in the security section of radiusd.conf,
the same Access-Request packet shows the following:

% radtest sltest bad_passwd localhost:1645 3 testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 68 to
        User-Name = "sltest"
        User-Password = "U\356~\271\354X\213<bcV\301\032/V\\"
        NAS-IP-Address = dyatel.antar.bryansk.ru
        NAS-Port-Id = "3"
rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host, id=68, length=46
        Reply-Message = "Authentication failure\r\n"

So, if the reject_delay = 0, radius sends the Reply-Message
in Access-Reject back to the NAS,
and if reject_delay = 1, does not.

Or, maybe it's a feature?

Thanks for your comments.

Fduch M. Pravking

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