We have four proxy radius's and I wanna know what kind of loads (hits
per second) these machines will take. I suppose it is totally dependent on
some below factors but if people can give me there estimates and a way of
testing this that would be great...

the machines specs all of them are identical

dual 1 ghz processors
512 mb ram
100 mb eth0's

These machines are proxying to two machines of unknown spec but belong to
a rather large organisation so should be decent specs, so I know this will
be a factor but I don't want to include that in peoples estimates.

Please have a quick guess and if people know of ways of testing that would
be great, Oh and We can really do a full end to end test as we don't have
any usernames or passwords...it is a long story and there is no way round
this problem.....Sorry guys....

Cheers guys


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