At 05:33 PM 5/6/2002 -0300, Gelson Dias Santos wrote:

> >> we have tried various things but cannot get it to give addresses based on
> >> the nas identifier. what are we doing wrong?
> >
> >That's not the idea behind the ip_pool module. The idea is to assign 
> ip's from
> >the same pool to all the access servers and not maintain separate pools 
> for each
> >nas. In any case if you want to assign different addresses to each nas 
> you can
>         Hummm... how do I route ip packets to users on different nas 
> servers if they are on the same pool, hence on the same subnet? I mean, 
> if user 1 connects on nas 1 and gets ip, then users 2 
> connects on nas 2 and gets the next ip,, how will my routers, 
> servers etc know where to send their reply packets?

Generally handled by a dynamic routing protocol between your NAS and/or
a common router.  Dynamic routing protocols include OSPF, RIPv1, RIPv2,
IS-IS, ...

The exact choice is up to you ( as is the NAS configuration ).

The main concept to remember is that each of your users is *NOT* on the
same subnet, though their IP's may come from a sequential block of addresses.
Each user is on their own /32 ( ) "subnet".

>        Wen we have two different pools it's easy, just set a static route 
> pointing the whole pool to the right server. With one big pool, how do I 
> do it? I don't want to use RIP or anything like that to propagate 
> tousands of host routes.

Then let your NAS assign the addresses.  You can run NAS assigned dynamic
addresses with a dynamic protocol just fine.

If you don't want to announce ( and withdraw ) thousands of host routes
into your IGP, then don't user server assigned addresses, let the NAS
handle it.


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