Nope guys the real output from the core could not be read. The earlier
results were NOT from the core, we get:

# crash core
dumpfile = core, namelist = /dev/ksyms, outfile = stdout
crash: core is not a kernel core file (bad magic number 7f454c46)
crash: cannot open kvm - dump file core

# act -d core

act 7.17

(Source code Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Sun Microsystems Inc.)

kvm_open: core is not a kernel core file (bad magic number 7f454c46)
kvm_open failed

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Casado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: IPPOOL

> here is some of the usual crash output................. I would like to
> as much as i can to get this resolved.
> Ben
> > stat
> system name:    SunOS
> release:        5.8
> node name:      radius
> version:        Generic_108528-13
> machine name:   sun4u
> time of crash:  Tue May  7 10:38:39 2002
> age of system:  23 min.
> panicstr:
> panic registers:
>         pc: 0      sp: 0
> > u
>         command: sched, psargs: sched
>         start: Tue May  7 10:15:30 2002
>         mem: 0, type: exec
>         vnode of current directory: 3000059fe18
>  cmask: 0022
>         cpu time: unlimited/unlimited
>         file size: unlimited/unlimited
>         swap size: unlimited/unlimited
>         stack size: 8388608/unlimited
>         coredump size: unlimited/unlimited
>         file descriptors: 256/1024
>         address space: unlimited/unlimited
>            1:  default   2:  default   3:  default   4:  default
>            5:  default   6:  default   7:  default   8:  default
>            9:  default  10:  default  11:  default  12:  default
>           13:  default  14:  default  15:  default  16:  default
>           17:  default  18:  default  19:  default  20:  default
>           21:  default  22:  default  23:  default  24:  default
>           25:  default  26:  default  27:  default  28:  default
>           29:  default  30:  default  31:  default  32:  default
>           33:  default  34:  default  35:  default  36:  default
>           37:  default  38:  default  39:  default  40:  default
>           41:  default  42:  default  43:  default  44:  default
>           45:  default
> > proc list
> list not found in symbol table
> > proc
>    0 t     0     0     0     0     0  96 sched          load sys lock
>    1 s     1     0     0     0     0  58 init           load
>    2 s     2     0     0     0     0  98 pageout        load sys lock
>    3 s     3     0     0     0     0  60 fsflush        load sys lock
>    4 s   261     1   261   261     0  58 sac            load jctl
>    5 s   206     1   206   206     0  58 utmpd          load
>    6 s   153     1   153   153     0  58 automountd     load
>    7 s    44     1    44    44     0  52 syseventd      load
>    8 s    46     1    46    46     0  51 syseventconfd  load
>    9 s   151     1   151   151     1  40 statd          load
>   10 s   110     1   110   110     0  58 rpcbind        load
>   11 s   198     1   198   198     0  58 powerd         load
>   12 s   168     1   168   168     0  58 syslogd        load
>   13 s   179     1   179   179     0  51 nscd           load
>   14 s   145     1   145   145     0  58 inetd          load
>   15 s   185     1   185   185     0  58 lpsched        load nowait
>   16 s   149     1   149   149     0  50 lockd          load
>   17 s   176     1   176   176     0  53 cron           load
>   18 s   305   145   305   305     0  48 in.telnetd     load
>   19 s   287   244   287   287     0  58 mibiisa        load
>   20 s   215   213   213     0     0  42 smcboot        load jctl
>   21 s   213     1   213     0     0  32 smcboot        load jctl
>   22 s   216     1   216   216     0  48 vold           load jctl
>   23 s   253     1   253   253     0  58 snmpXdmid      load nowait
>   24 s   252     1   252   252     0  54 dmispd         load
>   25 s   258     1     0     0     0   0 safe_mysqld    load
>   26 s   242     1   242   242     0  48 dtlogin        load jctl
>   27 s   244     1   244   244     0  58 snmpdx         load nowait
>   28 s   266   242   266   266     0  59 Xsun           load
>   29 s   262     1   262   262     0  54 ttymon         load
>   30 s   267   261   261   261     0  58 ttymon         load jctl
>   31 s   286   258     0     0   101  58 mysqld         load
>   32 s   288   242   288   288     0  10 dtlogin        load
>   33 s   312   307   312   307     0  48 ksh            load
>   34 s   290     1   288   288     0  59 fbconsole      load
>   35 s   302   288   302   302     0  59 dtgreet        load
>   36 s   307   305   307   307   100  42 sh             load
>   37 s   303     1   303   303     0  58 sendmail       load jctl
>   38 p   349   312   349   307     0  58 crash          load
> > kmastat
> cache                        buf    buf    buf    memory     alloc alloc
> name                        size in use  total    in use   succeed  fail
> ------------------------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- -----
> kmem_magazine_1               16     58    508      8192        58     0
> kmem_magazine_3               32    333    508     16384       333     0
> kmem_magazine_7               64    113    127      8192       113     0
> kmem_magazine_15             128    177    189     24576       177     0
> kmem_magazine_31             256      0      0         0         0     0
> kmem_magazine_47             384      0      0         0         0     0
> kmem_magazine_63             512      0      0         0         0     0
> kmem_magazine_95             768      0      0         0         0     0
> kmem_magazine_143           1152      0      0         0         0     0
> kmem_slab_cache               56    847    889     57344       849     0
> kmem_bufctl_cache             32   3566   3810    122880      3584     0
> kmem_bufctl_audit_cache      184      0      0         0         0     0
> kmem_va_8192                8192   1147   1152   9437184      1148     0
> kmem_va_16384              16384     20     32    524288        20     0
> kmem_va_24576              24576      7     10    262144         7     0
> kmem_va_32768              32768      0      0         0         0     0
> kmem_va_40960              40960      0      0         0         0     0
> kmem_va_49152              49152      0      0         0         0     0
> kmem_va_57344              57344      0      0         0         0     0
> kmem_va_65536              65536      0      0         0         0     0
> kmem_alloc_8                   8   3889   4068     32768     14235     0
> kmem_alloc_16                 16   2011   2032     32768     11591     0
> kmem_alloc_24                 24   1044   1356     32768      6877     0
> kmem_alloc_32                 32   1134   1270     40960      3492     0
> kmem_alloc_40                 40   2702   2842    114688      4499     0
> kmem_alloc_48                 48    487    676     32768      2381     0
> kmem_alloc_56                 56    397    435     24576      1312     0
> kmem_alloc_64                 64    194    254     16384       422     0
> kmem_alloc_80                 80    713    808     65536      2499     0
> kmem_alloc_96                 96     39     84      8192      1148     0
> kmem_alloc_112               112      9     72      8192       140     0
> kmem_alloc_128               128    200    252     32768      1112     0
> kmem_alloc_144               144     98    112     16384       634     0
> kmem_alloc_160               160     22     50      8192       294     0
> kmem_alloc_176               176     58     92     16384       518     0
> kmem_alloc_192               192     28     42      8192        61     0
> kmem_alloc_208               208    275    312     65536       473     0
> kmem_alloc_224               224     32     72     16384      4144     0
> kmem_alloc_240               240     10     33      8192        38     0
> kmem_alloc_256               256     59     93     24576       753     0
> kmem_alloc_320               320    482    500    163840       973     0
> kmem_alloc_384               384     10     21      8192       278     0
> kmem_alloc_448               448    118    126     57344       584     0
> kmem_alloc_512               512    130    160     81920       653     0
> kmem_alloc_544               544      4     15      8192        38     0
> kmem_alloc_640               640      4     12      8192        63     0
> kmem_alloc_768               768      4     10      8192       303     0
> kmem_alloc_864               864      5      9      8192        40     0
> kmem_alloc_992               992     45     48     49152       328     0
> kmem_alloc_1120             1120     22     35     40960      5022     0
> kmem_alloc_1312             1312     30     36     49152       367     0
> kmem_alloc_1600             1600      5     15     24576       366     0
> kmem_alloc_2048             2048     41     44     90112        96     0
> kmem_alloc_2688             2688     35     45    122880       117     0
> kmem_alloc_4096             4096     10     14     57344        86     0
> kmem_alloc_8192             8192    534    536   4390912      1920     0
> kmem_alloc_12288           12288      8     10    122880        30     0
> kmem_alloc_16384           16384     19     20    327680        55     0
> streams_mblk                  64    871   1016     65536      1846     0
> streams_dblk_8               128      9     63      8192      2407     0
> streams_dblk_40              160    120    200     32768      7782     0
> streams_dblk_72              192    206    252     49152      9341     0
> streams_dblk_104             224      5     36      8192      2035     0
> streams_dblk_136             256     40     93     24576       708     0
> streams_dblk_232             352    173    184     65536       628     0
> streams_dblk_520             640      0     12      8192       604     0
> streams_dblk_1000           1120      0      7      8192        52     0
> streams_dblk_1480           1600      0     70    114688      6769     0
> streams_dblk_1896           2016      0      8     16384        19     0
> streams_dblk_2568           2688     64     72    196608      2827     0
> streams_dblk_3944           4064      0      4     16384        19     0
> streams_dblk_8040           8160      0      4     32768        55     0
> streams_dblk_12136         12256      0      4     49152        17     0
> streams_dblk_esb             120      0      0         0         0     0
> streams_fthdr                264      0      0         0         0     0
> streams_ftblk                232      0      0         0         0     0
> taskq_ent_cache               32    220    254      8192       220     0
> taskq_cache                  120      6     67      8192         6     0
> id32_cache                     8      0      0         0         0     0
> bp_map_16384               16384      0      0         0         0     0
> bp_map_32768               32768      0      0         0         0     0
> bp_map_49152               49152      0      0         0         0     0
> bp_map_65536               65536      0      0         0         0     0
> bp_map_81920               81920      0      0         0         0     0
> bp_map_98304               98304      0      0         0         0     0
> bp_map_114688             114688      0      0         0         0     0
> bp_map_131072             131072      0      0         0         0     0
> mod_hash_entries              24     22    339      8192        23     0
> sfmmuid_cache                 56     37    145      8192       666     0
> sfmmu8_cache                 312   1982   2002    630784      1982     0
> sfmmu1_cache                  88    616    644     57344       616     0
> ism_blk_cache                200      0      0         0         0     0
> ism_ment_cache                32      0      0         0         0     0
> seg_cache                     56   1208   1305     73728     11375     0
> ddi_callback_cache            40      0      0         0         0     0
> segkp_8192                  8192      2     16    131072         2     0
> segkp_16384                16384      9     16    262144         9     0
> segkp_24576                24576    187    190   4980736       189     0
> segkp_32768                32768      0      0         0         0     0
> segkp_40960                40960     11     21    917504      1010     0
> thread_cache                 680    115    132     98304       502     0
> lwp_cache                    880    115    135    122880       170     0
> turnstile_cache               64    185    254     16384      1135     0
> cred_cache                    96     13     84      8192       191     0
> id_space_cache                32      1    254      8192         1     0
> task_cache                    56      3    145      8192         3     0
> cyclic_id_cache               32      3    254      8192         3     0
> dnlc_space_cache              24     28    339      8192        28     0
> file_cache                    56    255    290     16384      3989     0
> stream_head_cache            392    156    180     73728       617     0
> queue_cache                  608    432    455    286720      1401     0
> syncq_cache                  160     17     50      8192        47     0
> qband_cache                   64      2    127      8192         2     0
> linkinfo_cache                48      8    169      8192         9     0
> strevent_cache                48      9    169      8192      1657     0
> ciputctrl_cache              128      1     63      8192         1     0
> as_cache                     128     36     63      8192       667     0
> seg_skiplist_cache            32      0      0         0         0     0
> anon_cache                    48   2877   3380    163840     11582     0
> anonmap_cache                 56    688    870     49152      5029     0
> segvn_cache                   88   1205   1288    114688     10567     0
> flk_edges                     48      0      0         0         0     0
> fdb_cache                    104      0      0         0         0     0
> timer_cache                  104      0      0         0         0     0
> physio_buf_cache             224      0     36      8192        12     0
> ire_cache                    320     18     25      8192        48     0
> snode_cache                  256    227    248     65536      2666     0
> ufs_inode_cache              472   1559   1564    753664      1878     0
> directio_buf_cache           248      0      0         0         0     0
> glm0_cache                   392      8    200     81920      5580     0
> glm1_cache                   392      0     20      8192        15     0
> sock_cache                   432     43     54     24576        89     0
> sock_unix_cache              432      3     18      8192         3     0
> ncafs_cache                  480      0      0         0         0     0
> ip_minor_1                     1     71    128       128       159     0
> tcp_minor_1                    1      0      0         0         0     0
> process_cache               2704     38     45    122880       352     0
> exacct_object_cache           40      0      0         0         0     0
> fnode_cache                  264      6     28      8192        24     0
> pipe_cache                   496     13     32     16384       109     0
> ar_minor_1                     1      0      0         0         0     0
> lufs save                     24      0      0         0         0     0
> lufs bufs                    232      0      0         0         0     0
> udp_minor_1                    1      0      0         0         0     0
> authkern_cache                72      0    113      8192        14     0
> authloopback_cache            72      0    113      8192        15     0
> authdes_cache_handle          72      0      0         0         0     0
> rnode_cache                  656      1     12      8192         1     0
> nfs_access_cache              56      0      0         0         0     0
> lm_vnode                     168      0      0         0         0     0
> lm_xprt                       32      0      0         0         0     0
> lm_sysid                     136      0      0         0         0     0
> lm_client                    128      0      0         0         0     0
> lm_async                      32      0      0         0         0     0
> lm_sleep                      96      0      0         0         0     0
> lm_config                     80      1    101      8192         1     0
> pty_map                       48      2    169      8192         2     0
> ------------------------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- -----
> Total [kmem_internal]                             237568      5114     0
> Total [kmem_va]                                 10223616      1175     0
> Total [kmem_default]                             9895936    166349     0
> Total [segkp]                                    6291456      1210     0
> Total [ip_minor]                                     128       159     0
> ------------------------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- -----
> arena                        memory     memory    memory     alloc alloc
> name                         in use      total    import   succeed  fail
> ------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- -----
> heap                       16498688 68719476736         0       473     0
>     vmem_seg                 237568     237568    237568        29     0
>     vmem_vmem                 98384     105912     49152        44     0
>     kmem_internal            401408     401408    401408        64     0
>         kmem_cache           160768     163840    163840       225     0
>     kmem_log                 131488     139264    139264         6     0
>     kmem_oversize           4370728    4407296   4407296       141     0
>     mod_sysfile                   0          0         0         0     0
>     kmem_va                10223616   10223616  10223616        39     0
>         kmem_default        9895936    9895936   9895936      1175     0
>     little_endian             21760      40960     40960        33     0
>     bp_map                        0          0         0         0     0
>     ksyms                    630478     655360    655360       112     0
> heap32                       303104   67108864         0        32     0
>     id32                          0          0         0         0     0
>     module_text             2047928    2154496     57344       107     0
>     module_data              321324     425984    163840       145     0
>     promplat                      0          0         0        18     0
> segkp                       6291456  510164992         0        49     0
> taskid_space                      3     999998         0         3     0
> pcipsy0_dvma                5349376  503316480         0      4827     0
> ip_minor                        128     262142         0         2     0
> tcp_minor                         0     262142         0         0     0
> ar_minor                          0     262142         0         0     0
> udp_minor                         0     262142         0         0     0
> ptms_minor                        2         16         0         2     0
> ------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- --------- -----
> > defproc
> Procslot = 0
> > defthread
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