On Fri, 17 May 2002, Allister Maguire wrote:

> Hello,
> In the radiusd.conf file you have the choice of specifing what Modules
> are used to:
> authorize {
>       preprocess
>       suffix
>       ldap
> }
> And
> authenticate {
>       pam
> }
> Is it posible to authorize via Ldap (Active Directory, including all
> radius attributes) and authenticate via Pam (Kerberos v, Windows 2000
> KDC)?

As for ldap i think yes. In any case it would be nice to know how well the ldap
module cooperates with Active Directory.

> Also is it posible to return a set of radius attribute/value-pair's from
> a single ldap schema attribute? Eg:
> When I created our radius ldap schema, I only wanted to create ldap
> attributes for radius attribute/value-pair's used to check eg:
> "Called-Station-Id" etc. I created a generic ldap attribute called
> radiusGenericReturn, this would hold a value (attribute/value-pair)
> like: "Framed-Protocol=Framed, Framed-IP-Address=,
> Framed-IP-Netmask= ...", this would allow the addition of
> any new radius attribute's with ease.
> Is this posible?

Yes, see ldap.attrmap the $GENERIC$ attributes:

checkItem       $GENERIC$                       radiusCheckItem
replyItem       $GENERIC$                       radiusReplyItem

It can only hold one attribute though:

radiusReplyItem: Framed-IP-Netmask =

> Thanks
> Allister Maguire
> -
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Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 10 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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