Erich Zigler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type System
> auth: type "System"
> auth: Failed to validate the user.

  So the password is wrong.

> This is with the default users file that comes with
> Freeradius. However I'm trying to authenticate off of an SQL
> database. Yet it isn't making any SQL calls.
> Here is the pertinent parts of the radiusd.conf file

  For one, you haven't listed 'sql' in the 'authorize' section.
You've only listed it in the 'accpunting' section'.

  For another, SQL is only a database, and you can't really
authenticate to it, for each of the 10k users you have.  Instead, you
store the passwords in the SQL database, and let another RADIUS module
(pap, chap, ms-chap) do the actual authentication.

  Alan DeKok.

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