At 12:25 AM 5/21/2002 -0400, Eric Reischer wrote:
>I see in a lot of the dictionary files that there is a terminate-cause 
>value called "radius-request", yet I have not found a way to get Radius to 
>auto-kick people off after their daily time limit has been exceeded.  I'm 
>using an Ascend Max 6096 in VSA mode, and I also enabled the 
>daily-session-limit counter, but this function does not appear to 
>terminate any active sessions for the user after their daily limit has 
>been met.  Does anybody know how to go about doing this?  I was thinking 
>about performing some type of arithmetic function in the session-timeout 
>reply value in the users file, but I'm not sure if that file will accept 
>an arithmetic function as a reply value.

Radius is mostly stateless, in that it only communicates with the NAS upon
the NAS's request, it doesn't initiate communication.

You could implement this via a modified 'rlm_counter' module that returns
a 'Session-Timeout' value for the remaining time allocated to the user, if
you really wanted to.

>Also -- Separate question:  The Lucent/Ascend MAX uses a separate 
>attribute called Ascend-Terminate-Cause in place of the disconnect-reason 
>attribute, and I added its declaration and attribute values to the 
>dictionary file, yet it is still not saving the entries in my SQL 
>accounting database.  I changed the postgresql.conf queries so they use 
>Ascend-Terminate-Cause, but it still doesn't save it.  I turned on detail 
>logging and I see the attribute being returned by the terminal server, but 
>it's getting lost somewhere after that.  Has anybody else had this problem?

Not sure there, what are the column definitions for this?  Have you turned
on sql tracing?

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