Title: openLDAP & freeRADIUS

Hi All

As I mentioned before I have installed LDAP successfully on Linux 7.1 and able to add users and search the data base on top of that I installed freeradius 5 and follows the instructions " radius authentication using LDAP " but the test command

"radtest " always reply with the message " radius_client: no response from the server"

Plus I tried to telnet to that server but also hopeless "login incorrect"

I'm attaching my configured files pls if I missed something or there is additional step to follow ,,,,,,,,,,guide me



<<clients>> <<dictionary>> <<radiusd.conf>> <<slapd.conf>> <<users>> <<logmessages>>

Integrated Networks Co.

Tel:  2734474 x 148

Fax: 2734117 x 148

Mob: 054170626


Attachment: clients
Description: clients

Attachment: dictionary
Description: dictionary

Attachment: radiusd.conf
Description: radiusd.conf

Attachment: slapd.conf
Description: slapd.conf

Attachment: users
Description: users

Attachment: logmessages
Description: logmessages

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