
I have just finished configuring Redhat 7.3 with winbind to authenticate off of
our NT 4.0 PDC via winbind and ran into a problem with the username/password
handoff. It seems that the first letter is getting cut off when attempting to
authenticate through PAM to the PDC. When you double the first letter for example
MMYDOMAIN\username, it works perfectly. This authentication method has worked
for all the other services on the machine which is why I think it may be
freeradius. Any ideas?

NT Security Logs shows

        Unknown user name or bad password
        User Name:      YDOMAIN\username
        Logon Type:     3
        Logon Process:  KSecDD
        Authentication Package: MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_PACKAGE_V1_0
        Workstation Name:       \\LINUXSERVER 

The linux error log while running winbind in debug mode shows

May 28 14:57:43 linuxserver pam_winbind[29736]: Verify user `YDOMAIN\username'
with password `XXXXXXX'
May 28 14:57:44 linuxserver pam_winbind[29736]: user `YDOMAIN\username' not found

The accompanying PAM configuration file for radiusd is

auth    required        /lib/security/ debug
auth    required        /lib/security/
account required        /lib/security/
session required        /lib/security/ none



Richard Lyszczek
AIO Network Solutions, Inc.

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