On Thu, 30 May 2002, Karl Pielorz wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've been trying to get FreeRADIUS 0.5-Release to use both MySQL and MD5
> passwords...
> I've gotten enough working to let me use plaintext passwords from the MySQL
> database, but I'm struggling to get MD5 passwords working.
> In my radius.conf I've got the following set (I won't post the whole thing
> unless someone thinks it's really relevant :)
> pap {
>   enryption_scheme = md5
> }
> authorize {
>   preprocess
>   sql
>   suffix
> }
> authenticate {
>   pap
> }
> I've got an entry in the radgroupreply table that sets Auth-Type to
> "System" for my test account. In the radcheck table, if I use the attribute
> "Password" and give it a plain text password, it works fine. I'm not sure
> if I should keep using this for MD5, or switch to using 'Crypt-Password'
> (which sounds more applicable). The debug output below is when I'd put a
> password in the 'Crypt-Password' field with Crypt-Password set to
> "MD5('test')".
> I'm a bit concerned about the "auth: type Crypt" in the output, as being a
> possible problem :(
> Thanks for any info / pointers :)
> -Karl

You should put an entry for Auth-Type in the radgroupcheck table, not in the
radgroupreply. Try seting the Auth-Type to MD5. Use the Password attribute with
an MD5 encrypted password for value. Then in your radiusd.conf in the
authenticate section do the following:

authenticate {
        authtype MD5{

Hope it helps

Kostas Kalevras         Network Operations Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Work Phone:             +30 10 7721861
'Go back to the shadow' Gandalf

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