Alan DeKok wrote:

>>I believe all the proxy does, in effect, is forward packets.  I don't
>>think it has a notion of stateful conversations for UDP.  I'll have to
>>check on this.
>   Exactly.  It forwards a RADIUS request, and when it receives the
> reply, where the heck does the reply go?

It's a Sidewinder unit; the RADIUS request goes out via UDP through the
Sidewinder, which does some port mapping but keeps the source IP address
intact, and forwards the packet on to the RADIUS server, on port 1645,
which duly replies, sending its information back across the firewall.

All is well unless that RADIUS server is unavailable, times out, or has
some other issue that renders it incapable of responding.  In that case,
another request is issued to a secondary server.  This request goes out
from the same source IP port, across the Sidewinder (which does its NAT
thing), and eventually ends up at port 1645 on the secondary RADIUS
server, where it apparently fails to verify at least in some cases.  In
any event, the secondary sends a response back across the Sidewinder,
which appears not to verify correctly back on the server that posed the
initial query.  That server issues an ICMP udp port unreachable message
which the firewall doesn't forward.


Richard L. Goerwitz III            Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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