> tcpdump -x -X -vv -s 250 dst host and dst port 1646

  Decoding that, I get this for the RADIUS packet

bytes  data
-----  ----
2      040e            code, ID
4      005f            length
20     a71e 658b ceae 7a51 0858 a700 1b52 9381
26     0106 7465 7374
32     0406 c0a8 6465
38     2806 0000 0002
52     2c0f 7465 7374 3132 3634 3738 3336 32
58     2906 0000 0000
64     2d06 0000 0001
70     0606 0000 0006
76     0f06 0000 0000
82     1006 0000 f562
88     0e06 c0a8 6401
96     2e06 0000 001c

  So the packet says it's length 0x5f (95), but there are really 96
bytes of data in it.

  And it gets worse.  The UDP header says:

src port       066d  
dst port       066e    (radius accounting)
packet lenth   006d
checksum       43a9

  Including the RADIUS packet and 8 bytes of UDP header, the UDP
packet length SHOULD be hex 0x67 (if you believe the broken RADIUS
packet).  Instead, it's 7 bytes longer.  Looking at the packet, there
IS 7 bytes of garbage at the end of it.

  The RADIUS implementation on your NAS is completely broken.

>  I understand that it's naive approach, but I do not yet understand
>  freeradius internals, so would you be so kind to explain me
>  possible consequnces from that approach and possible decision to
>  that. Thanks in advance

  Breaking the server to accept packets from a broken NAS isn't the
best solution.  I would recommend against making those changes, as
there may be security issues.

  As for the NAS, I would suggest throwing it out, and buying a real
one.  If you can't do that, forward your previous message and this
reply to their technical support people, and demand that they fix the
problem.  If they don't, ask for your money back.

  The NAS is sold as implementing RADIUS.  It doesn't.  That makes it
a broken product, and you should be able to return it.

  Alan DeKok.

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